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Help needed on Next Stages of my track day 172 Cup

  172 Cup,R8, Exige S1
I assume the 10ml to 15ml is measured based on the front and rear sill height to make sure the rake is correct or am I basing this on the arch to wheel measurements ?

The reason I ask is when the garage who did the last height change set it up when I measured the arch to wheel height it came out as 11cm front and 10cm rear - the guy who set it up was experienced in race car setups, the rake looked good I.e. Pointing down forwards
  172 Cup,R8, Exige S1
Update - everything is fitted bar one of the rear adjustment knobs.. one side fitted spot on, you could feel it locating correctly and it clicks as it should.. the other side it feels like something is protruding so it is not allowing the locating to occur.. what could cause this.. so dam annoying when everything went so well!! Help
  172 Cup,R8, Exige S1
Had that on my brothers megane ones, just took a bit of playing with trying the adjuster in different positions.

Managed to fix it, when I fitted the damper the knob is not installed, what happened is when I installed it I must have managed to get dirt inside the bore, I tried spraying wd40 in the hole when in situ, didn't work so I had to take the damper off the car to enable me to turn it upside down to then spray in more wd40.. retested the knob and It locates perfectly. What a nightmare but at least it's sorted now

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Managed to fix it, when I fitted the damper the knob is not installed, what happened is when I installed it I must have managed to get dirt inside the bore, I tried spraying wd40 in the hole when in situ, didn't work so I had to take the damper off the car to enable me to turn it upside down to then spray in more wd40.. retested the knob and It locates perfectly. What a nightmare but at least it's sorted now

Yeah, they are quite fussy with how they locate.
  172 Cup,R8, Exige S1
Here is a video showing the BC racing kit in action on track.. they are a night and day difference compared to the bilstein b14 however I do think the b14 as a road setup are awesome! You should get a sense of how neutral the car is, also running a pms arb on hard setting. It took me about 6 tweaks to get the firmness settings right

  172 Cup,R8, Exige S1
@3d3dman any pictures of the rear springs in situ?

Sorry for the delay, here are the rear BC Springs in Situ....PLEASE NOTE I AM USING THE HEIGHT ADJUSTER FROM THE BILSTEIN B14 KIT FOR THE REAR.


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