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Help: Oil Temp & Warning Lights!!

  Renaultsport Mégane R26
Hi there,

Luckily my R26 Megane is being delivered tomorrow which is a relief as my 1.2 16V Clio Dynamique all but broke down on the way home from work today!

The engine oil temperature was rising rapidly and was accompanied by the following warning lights:


(Sorry to whoever I stole that photo from!)

The warning lights stayed on for a few seconds and then the oil temperature dropped back to normal and they went out. This must of happened about 50 times on my way home! I was tempted to stop but the car felt fine which leads me to believe it could be an electronic issue...

Just wondering whether anyone has had this happen to them and if so, what the hell is going on?!

Thanks for all your help,

  Renaultsport Mégane R26

Is this an expensive fix? Will I have to take it to a main dealer or will a garage be able to fix the problem?

The car felt fine so its very annoying to experience the problems!
  Renaultsport Mégane R26
Not sure how to check to see if there is any coolant.... I'm normally prettu good with things like that but no idea Jon!

Any ideas?
  Lots of Alfas
Its a round tank on the passenger side of the engine bay on the blukhead, it will tell you in the manual. I would have thought its the sensor, just check all the electrical connections in the engine are firmly in, sometimes the orange rubber seal on the connector gets caught and causes problems. I cant remember where it is in the 1.2 16v, follow the coolant pipes, it will be off one of them.
