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Help please....

Looking for a lappy for the OH for crimbo.....

Dont really want to spend more than £500 tbh and was wandering if any one on here could help me out?

I dont know much about laptops and would like to get a half decent one for him.

I have no worries about him jumping on and seeing the thread as he is with the lil one :)

I have had a look on PC world, Curry's etc but really dont understand what each does and whether its value for money etc....

Help will be much appreciated

  White clique
bloody hell a lappy as well as a bike!!! :D

Dell do a half decent one at PC world, mines the notebook version which costs about £265 but has a small screen which is crap - dont bother with small laptops seriously. The larger version with decent spec (and coloured shells) is about £379 i think.
he wants something with a good sized screen....

Words mean nothing to me guys maybe if someone would be so nice to post up some links???
  Better than yours. C*nt.
I've got a corker for sale, £400 with Windows 7 Ultimate and Office 2007 Professional Plus. I'm an IT geek, was the best I could get for a grand only 6 months ago and I just don't use it now work give me free ones, so it's going fairly cheap as it's for a good cause!
