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Help! Scenic interior fan not working


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
Right i am not sure if this section is clio only or not so can a admin/mod move if i have gotten it wrong.

So the dial thing that adjusts the fan on my mums 56 plate Scenic II doesnt do anything, i have checked the fuses in the glove box and everything seems fine, i have taken the lid off of the under bonnet fuses to find the ECU (i think) and then 3 large fuses and one relay, i am not sure if there are any fuses below the ecu(i can take a picture if you dont know what i mean) but i am not taking the ecu off unless i have too. i have read on google some things about resistor packs or maybe the switch/dial has broken, how would i be able to check this?


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
Right i have found the problem


IMAG0044 by sbridgey, on Flickr

This is the heater resistor pack plug that plugs into the resistor pack, as you can see one of the terminals has melted, i phoned Renault Leamington for a price for plug/loom and a the resistor pack, the price was £120 which i think is quite expensive but they do keep that part in stock and said it must have been a common for them too keep it in!

I also asked about my car's bonnet catch and they said that it didnt matter if it had been done before, if it had a molecule of rust on it they would replace it for free and do a 21 point check which i thought was very good of them.

If anyone wants to know how i accessed the resister plug here is the guide:
