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Help with my desk set up!

  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm

My laptop is my sole PC in the house for the obvious reason of it been portable.

I've just ordered a 21" Dell Widescreen monitor and would like to get rid of my current TV.

I've ordered some USB speakers and a bluetooth dongle and would really like as little wires as possible!

I'm going to need a TV Tuner so should i go for a USB one that goes in my laptop or a external one that connects to the monitor?

Do you have experience of TV Tuners - whats good and whats not?

Would it be worth while getting a sizeable USB hub and hiding it under my desk so i only really have 3 leads coming from my laptop?


I'd really like everything to be wireless :(

Thanks in advance for your help and advice!!
I'd personally go for a seperate tuner direct to the monitor (if its got the right input) then you can use it without the laptop being there. But if your not bothered about that a USB one might be better as you can easily record/pause TV with some of them.
  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
Can anyone recommend a External TV Tuner - preferably with freeview and a remote :D
  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
Are they good?

I've ordered the wrong docking station for the laptop as well - from PC world they're chuffing £180...stuff that!!!
