Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
My laptop is my sole PC in the house for the obvious reason of it been portable.
I've just ordered a 21" Dell Widescreen monitor and would like to get rid of my current TV.
I've ordered some USB speakers and a bluetooth dongle and would really like as little wires as possible!
I'm going to need a TV Tuner so should i go for a USB one that goes in my laptop or a external one that connects to the monitor?
Do you have experience of TV Tuners - whats good and whats not?
Would it be worth while getting a sizeable USB hub and hiding it under my desk so i only really have 3 leads coming from my laptop?
I'd really like everything to be wireless
Thanks in advance for your help and advice!!
My laptop is my sole PC in the house for the obvious reason of it been portable.
I've just ordered a 21" Dell Widescreen monitor and would like to get rid of my current TV.
I've ordered some USB speakers and a bluetooth dongle and would really like as little wires as possible!
I'm going to need a TV Tuner so should i go for a USB one that goes in my laptop or a external one that connects to the monitor?
Do you have experience of TV Tuners - whats good and whats not?
Would it be worth while getting a sizeable USB hub and hiding it under my desk so i only really have 3 leads coming from my laptop?
I'd really like everything to be wireless
Thanks in advance for your help and advice!!