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hey all... potential 172/197 owner!


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
hey guys. been reading the forum for a while now!

i currently drive a 206 GTi and have been concidering getting either a 172 or Ibiza Cupra this year, i prefer the Clio though! I also own a CRX which im currently trying to sell...

i work as a computer engineer for a company that looks after Renault and Citroen. i found out yesterday about a possible quite large discount i can get on brand new Renaults, which got me thinking about a brand new 197

however, after looking into it, it seems you cant buy the R27 (is that right!?) Clio anymore in liquid yellow with the F1 stickers? that is literally the only 197 id pay out for lol. i saw one drive past me a few weeks ago and it was jaw-dropping...

so hi, and any information you can give me on that 197 would be much appreciated :D
  Honda Civic
Funnily enough, when I was in buying my Clio yesterday, the sales fella was talking about that. He said one of the service fellas used it as a daily driver, and was gutted when it sold. (I assume it was their demo model or something?) Something like a grand extra for that paint job, right?

Oh, and hi :)



ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
well i like it in white, and racing blue is quite nice. but its still a lot of money for me, ive never spent over £3k on a car before, and dont really wanna get into debt again

i will think about it... maybe ill end up with a 182 in yellow, theyre just as nice :cool:
