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Hi all........ talk to me about 197's

  Ford fiesta zetec s
Hi everyone,
just registered to this forum today. Im currently negotiating a deal for a clio 197 f1 edition, and i would just like some general feedback about them.
im 20 years old and currently own a fiesta zetec s, anniversary edition, dont get me wrong i love the car to bits and its never put a step wrong, HOWEVER, i am getting to that point now where i want high performance car which will not hurt me too much on insurance...
So what are peoples thoughts on the 197, is it a big jump from 1.6 zetec s and will i feel like a 10 year old when i am driving it. Would reallly appreciate the feedback.
Heres a photo of the car

Had mine for 7 months now and loving it.

Things to check off the top of my head, wear on the bolsters of the Recaro's, check the gearbox has been sorted by Renault, as 07 models had a dodgy box in them which was revised on 57 plates (I think). It's coming up to belt change time as well so that'll be circa £500 in a few months. There's plenty more, but I can't remember, there's a big thread on here somewhere about the pro's and con's to 197's.

Found it -
the r27 is the 197 to get... therefore... youre a penis because youre my age and can afford one :rasp:

It would of been cheaper for me to insure an R27 at 20 than it was to insure my 172!

When I got mine, my insurance dropped £300 from the 172 to the R27.
  Ford fiesta zetec s
performance wise, am i looking at a good performing motor? i went for a test drive in one, and it didn't blow me away but part of that was due to the guy from Renault sat with me and i didn't want to rag it.
197 is a cracking car, though the cup pack imo is overkill for road use, and thats having had a 197 cup for 2.5 years. You really need to work the revs though otherwise it will feel lifeless. Keep it at the top of the rev range though and it will make you smile!

Currently I have a standard 1.7 puma, which i imagine is pretty similar to your zetec-s, and its a big step down in performance! The main thing I miss though is the brakes, god I loved those brakes!

EDIT: Put your location in your profile and some generous member may offer to take you for a spin in theirs ;)
  Albi Blue 197
Hiiii :)
I got rid of my fiesta zetec s on Friday for a 197 Clio and although my old car is sat in the forecourt across the road from where I live I dont regret my decision on bit!!
Your right the fiesta is amazing on fuel and it's not "slow" but I, like you, wanted something with a bit more speed :)
Filled my Clio up Friday with £60 n it's done about 300 miles I reckon on a tank? So I wouldn't say it's that bad but I could get more miles from the fiesta!
But seriously I love my clio now and ford are stealing ideas from ford forums for new designs which annoyed me! Lol!

Go for the Clio ... You will love it!
  Ford fiesta zetec s
Also one thing I need to ask, the guy at Renault mentioned that the car has built in Bluetooth... ? Can anybody confirm/deny this.
