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Hi from East Hampshire

  51 Reg 172
Hello everybody,

First post just to introduce myself. Reasonably new owner of a 2001 172 which with the help of the forum I have been able to diagnose and fix quite a few of the common faults my one came with. If there are any other local owners out there it'd be good to hear from you. I am just trying to remember my Paypal details so that I can become a full member, I haven't used PP in a while!

  51 Reg 172
Sounds like fun, let me know if I need to subscribe to any groups to be kept informed about meets. It'd also be good to ask someone with a bit of RS Clio experience about certain things with mine which may need to be looked at. Thanks for the welcome.
  GTD, Lupo
Im from Odiham and often travel back down to Worthing to see family, often drive up and down the A3.
  51 Reg 172
Thanks for all the replies, i'll keep my eyes peeled for you. Have also added myself to the South Central Group.
  51 Reg 172
I have managed to make my Paypal work so purchased full membership the other day, please keep me updated about any local events.
