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  172 Cup
Hi I'm new on here too! I drive a '02 1.2 16v Clio and when it works I love it to bits! Here's a few pics:






Hope you like it! All comments welcomed :)
  172 Cup
Thanks! I'm trying to not go too over the top with it and just continue what Renault started! I'm in the middle of smoothing a standard rear bumper for it and I also have a set of FK Highsports waiting to go on :D
  FIAT PANDA 100HP!!!!
hi mate, welcome. nice car, i really like the nits you've done. really like the stripe over it too!!
  172 Cup
Thanks everyone for the welcomes and comments :D

Is there many other members and meets in the Leicestershire area? Also is there any small ClioSport stickers available? I'd really like to promote the site but dnt really want a massive sticker. Obv if it's my only choice I'll get one anyway :approve:
  Titanium 182
So Jealous of your twin Zorsts :p

How much did they set you back m8 ? (And where did you get em from)

Very nice car anyway ^_^

  172 Cup
Cheers! I got it from K Tec and I think it was about £330! I love it to bits though. I had a carbon fibre jap style exit on it before and not only did it look too big out of place it was far too loud! This one sounds much nicer :D It has a much quieter tone to it and just sounds more tuned instead out loud! lol.
