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  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
I just installed a TV in my car. I've got the dvd player in my glove box and i'm running the power for it off my headunits 12v ignition feed and the phono leads to the bus out on my stereo. When listening to the TV through my speakers of my car (so its runnig through my stereo) its making a high pitch noise and the more revs i give the higher the note gets.

Do i need a suppressor or just rewiring in a different way?

  E87 118i
no expert here, but if revs affec it it then its a power cable inteference ? right ?
  Monaro VXR
I ended up having to get a supressor after trying literally everything with my car running cables out side everythign it got rid of it loads messing with the cables etc but there was always a small bit left at low volumes so i just put a supressor on.
