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Horn very intermittent - uh ohhh.


Wales - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Ooooookay so.....for some unknown reason my horn has decided to work only when it wants to and seems to have something to do with the sensor pads on the steering wheel more than anything. Even at a stand still on the drive it's very intermittent.
Loose wire maybe?

When I press the horn and it decides that it doesn't want to work, the interior light flickers a bit :S
I've checked fuses and they're all fine.

I really am a bit stumped and living up country lanes with bat sh*t insane farmers and their tractors :quiet: tanking it around blind horn is vital to me so any help would be appreciated.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
I think what Tony was trying to say was scare it with the sight of a hammer and then check the connections at the horn itself (In the NSF wheel arch area) as they are prone for getting crudded up which causes your problem.

Then again, he may have just been trying to see if you'd actually take a hammer to your steering wheel? You just never know with Mr Hunter lol


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Remove the airbag and short the 2 horn wires together. If it works then it's likely a problem with the contacts on the wheel. Otherwise check the horn like Mick said.


Wales - South
ClioSport Area Rep
I think what Tony was trying to say was scare it with the sight of a hammer and then check the connections at the horn itself (In the NSF wheel arch area) as they are prone for getting crudded up which causes your problem.

Then again, he may have just been trying to see if you'd actually take a hammer to your steering wheel? You just never know with Mr Hunter lol

That sounds like it could well be the cause then, these lanes get shitted up in the winter!

I will be honest, I did consider taking a hammer to it, mainly due to the annoyance when it didn't work earlier.
Builders across the road must think I'm nuts...sat inside the car on the driveway laptop on the passenger seat cursing and screaming at the steering wheel whilst "trying" to sort the cause of the problem.


Wales - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Remove the airbag and short the 2 horn wires together. If it works then it's likely a problem with the contacts on the wheel. Otherwise check the horn like Mick said.

Cheers graz, I'll have a check of the connectors like Mick suggested and if the issue's still there I'll give that a go.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Tony there's no point in telling fibs. You were just waiting for the thread titled "hit the airbag, it went off and I got a hammer impaled in my face"
  16v 1.6 Clio MK3 GT
3 things that have been faults on my horn.
1 hit the horn with a hammer.
2 pull the connector out of the horn, clean and reinsert.

3 lift the cover from the steering wheel at the top, if you look in there you will see a red and black wire. If either of these looses the solder joint, you find either the horn works not at all or intermittently when moving the steering wheel. You can just about get a solder iron down the gap to fix it up.
(No need to remove steering wheel and squib this way)


Wales - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Tony there's no point in telling fibs. You were just waiting for the thread titled "hit the airbag, it went off and I got a hammer impaled in my face"

I don't normally take the clarkson approach to fixing things, though this time i was tempted!

3 things that have been faults on my horn.
1 hit the horn with a hammer.
2 pull the connector out of the horn, clean and reinsert.

3 lift the cover from the steering wheel at the top, if you look in there you will see a red and black wire. If either of these looses the solder joint, you find either the horn works not at all or intermittently when moving the steering wheel. You can just about get a solder iron down the gap to fix it up.
(No need to remove steering wheel and squib this way)

Shall be having a closer look in the morning now as its a bit dark but cheers for the input fella.
