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How do you drive your clio?


  Volvo V60 R Design
I've seen this question asked on many forums and it's something I've often thought about myself. Now before the comedians come in with 'I put the key in the ignition...' etc etc I'll clarify what I mean...

Do you generally cruise about, exploiting your car's full potential now and again? do you drive it like you stole it 100% of the time? etc etc.

After 5 yrs at uni, I start full time work in August but I've been lucky (I've worked a lot of hours part-time) to have 3 cars during this time. I started off with a 1.2 corsa, then a 1.4 civic and now my 1.6 civic sport. I've got the car bug and have always craved more power and better looks as time has went by (I mean with my cars btw lol).

The civic is a nippy wee car but nothing special performance-wise and I look forward to getting my next car in about a year which will be a proper performance car (at the minute I'm thinking either the 197 or the type R).

With the civic, I find that so many other road users want to try it on - whether it's beating you at lights, tailgating you on motorways or whatever etc etc. While a couple of years ago, I always took the bait and generally was smoked by every other road user, I think I've come to realise that it's more 'cool' to let the maniacs on the road get on with it - i.e. move out of their way or simply cruise about when driving. I also find this to be less stressful as I'm increasingly feeling that I'm enjoying my driving less and less because there's so many numptys on the road.

sometimes it's frustrating not having the power to exploit when I'm antagonised by another driver but I crave the day that I have a proper weapon on the road. Don't get me wrong, I know there's much faster on the road than the 172/182/197/CTR etc. but do you guys get much hassle when out and about off other motorists?

I guess I'm wondering off the initial topic but I'm interetsed to hear all of your experiences and attitudes on and about driving today.

As I say, I increasingly feel that it's best to keep urself to urself, cruise about and exploit the car's potential when conditions allow. Mind you, I'm not saying I drive like an OAP but I love the thought of driving like this while having the knowledge that I am in a damn fast car i.e. the 197 or the like and that if I WANTED to, I could shock some of those plonkers who try it on.

Am I setting myself up for a fall? what are your experiences in ur RS and how do YOU HONESTLY drive?

If uv read this far congrats - It's late and I'm on a roll - hope lots of u post up,

cheers, I'm off to bed!:sleepy:
wow after that lot i would go to bed as well .

cruise , race ,cruise like a granny when the kids are in the car :eek:
tend not to drive it hard all the time but it does make me smile when you get some dumb ass trying to take your rear bumper off on the motor way and then just floor it and when they finally reach you they get a great big smile and a nice little wave as you let them pass . :D
If I had an RS clio, I'd be raggin the f*ck out of it all the time. The cars are made for raggin, not a sunday morning drive
  C250 AMG & 172 Cup
I drive my car hard, really hard all the time, espeically now the summer months are here and dry roads i take the long route to work through the back roads to make me happy for the start of the day
  Nissan 350Z
My driving style is like this: Wam the oil, then thrash mercilessly.

The only time i dont is on boring drives, like around town on "business". Mainly because the chance of getting caught and/or running someone over is too high. Or on motorways for example because to me they are boring whether you drive at 60 or 100 so i drive at 60-70 most of the time.

The thing i find with the clio is its a car that WANTS to be driven hard, so that is how most people will drive it.
  182, SRT8, RS4, GT-R
I'm with birkett on this one. I find myself with my foot reguarly flat to the boards without realising it. Its that kind of car,i'll be on my own,no one around but yet i still give it 110%.
  Clio 172 mk2
I drive my Clio quickly but not trashing it everywhere.

It's a good little car which can be quite economical when driven lightly on the motorway


ClioSport Club Member
i drive like a granny when my missus is in the car, cos it stops her moaning. Most of the time going to and from work i drive conservatively, but can't resist giving it a good spanking at least once a day
  cock mobile.
I used to drive the nuts off mine, it just wanted it for some reason!

I reckon I drive a lot more conservatively since moving away from my Cup.
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
i drive it like its a china pot like it will break if i do the slightest thing aggressive, lets face it it probably will, give it a bit of beans from time to time
  Vee dub
I'm pretty chilled out when driving...

I give it a tickle everynow and then on roads I know and where it's safe.. just to hear the noise lol.... but mainly I potter about and mind my own business in the valver :approve:
  fastest passat in't world
I drive steady almost all the time. I wanted a quik car as its what im used to, I like the feel of safety when overtaking, being able to get out of trouble etc.

I hate the fact we pay so much for fuel over here and it has slowed me down tbh. I cant afford to nail it everywhere I go.

My last car didnt attract any attention, nobody really tried to race me. The clio is completely different! It seems that when someone see's a 172 or 182, they instantly turn into a muppet, nomatter what car they are in they will tailgate me. I let them round, i aint a racer. I use the power only when needed..........and on quiet country lanes sometime!!
  Dirty E91
I generally take it steady (always stick to 30/40/50 limits in town) , I might push on a bit when I get to a national limit (60/70) if conditions and traffic levels allow.
TomS said:
I'm pretty chilled out when driving...

I give it a tickle everynow and then on roads I know and where it's safe.. just to hear the noise lol.... but mainly I potter about and mind my own business in the valver :approve:
Has she ever been above 4k?;) O/T but i saw a plate similar to yours on wc the other day 'N39 YOJ'

Tend to drive mine conservatively on normal roads, but it's nice to blast away the cobwebs down the country lanes and drive it how it's meant to be driven:approve:
  1.2 16v Dynamique
Although I've only got a 1.2 16v, I do tend to try and get the most out of it where I can. I don't tend to thrash it, steady away through 1st, 2nd and 3rd, then keep my foot planted to the deck through 4th and 5th and drive at speed. I have to go through a lot of wide A-Roads on my way to work on a morning, so its generally between 85-95 most of the way. Motorways are a bore I agree, and its a lot easier to lose your licence, so I tend to stick to 75-80. I do try and look after the car as much as possible, hence not nailing it that often, although there are times when I cant resist the urge to spin the wheels a little and get the adrenaline flowing!
  1.2 16v Dynamique
Slow and within the speed limit but occasionally if the time and place is right I rag it into the floor.....:D :D
  Octavia VRS
Clart said:
i drive like a granny when my missus is in the car, cos it stops her moaning. Most of the time going to and from work i drive conservatively, but can't resist giving it a good spanking at least once a day

same here, my missus moans like fook if I go 5mph over the limit. I try and drive conservatively but on a quiet stretch of road I know well I will give it some beans
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
I generally cruise at around 30-40 through town and very rarely use the motorway. The small engine makes the feeling of speed not very much unless on twisty roads
  BMW 320d SE
I tend to drive it fairly quickly, but not racing around. I have to feel the 5k kick at least once or twice a day! :evil:
  Red Clio 197 F1
I drive fairly conservatively but there are plenty of occasions when i give it a full kick up the arse.

I got up to 9 points because I always thrashed around, but now I am dead keen on getting back to nil points and then I'll feel clean again!
  tiTTy & SV650
I like making good progress and like being at the front (and no thats not an invitation for any filthy bummers.)


ClioSport Club Member
i stick to 30mph in 30's, 40mph in 40's and 50mph in 50's but as soon as i get into a national speedlimit as long as the conditions are ok and not to many cars about i go for it and if the roads long enough get it into tripple figures lol

or if its a twisty backroad then it usually takes a hammering! 60mph in 2nd, 80mph in 3rd dont get any higher than 3rd on a backroad lol
I drive it like I stole it - Its the only way !
I usually let it warm up first then its foot to the floor and up to the limiter whenever I get the chance.
  Monaco 172 2/468
I let mine warm up for 5-10 mins etc, then happily limit it through the gears, thats how the car is meant to be, it just demands speed..... if I back off and trundle in 5th my car just takes over, drops a couple of gears and launches itself, so i'm not even in control lol

I drive really conservative with any passenger in my car (unless they demand speed), and just drive quick with myself in it, when it's safe, generally on nice open roads. I always stick to speed limits near schools, in town etc etc

.... it's there to be enjoyed, love it :cool:
Depends on my mood and where I'm going. Sometime fast sometimes steady. Always stick to the limit in town, but have been known to put my foot down where conditions allow and its safe to do so. Not too worried about giving it some revs so long as the engine is warm and the road is clear ahead - thats what I bought it for afterall.
  Elvis - Biarritz 1.2
I'd say pretty cautiously, although I do end up literally flooring it pretty reguarly, but then that's because it's pretty underpowered and not because I have any ability to drive quickly. :(
I've sold my RS but when i ownered it I drove it quite hard but it was a second cra so was only drivng to track days so no point driving it hard plus it attracted a lot of attention the way it was setup.
My other Clio I drive hard all the time.
  artic blue 182 Cup
Ibanezman said:
I let mine warm up for 5-10 mins etc, then happily limit it through the gears, thats how the car is meant to be, it just demands speed..... if I back off and trundle in 5th my car just takes over, drops a couple of gears and launches itself, so i'm not even in control lol

I drive really conservative with any passenger in my car (unless they demand speed), and just drive quick with myself in it, when it's safe, generally on nice open roads. I always stick to speed limits near schools, in town etc etc

.... it's there to be enjoyed, love it :cool:

90% the same... bar letting it warm up for a bigger time... and at motorways I drive below the limit for fuel comsumption, since it doesn't give you any thrills at that speed...but a big hole in your pocket!:S and while city-driving I try to look for a better place to start the first one or avoid large queues of car in the lights... you do gain time... and therefore gas :approve:

PS: pick the new Type R... for the reliability... and the looks...:cool: forget about those MAX power alloys.. they'll turn sensible sizing when the real one comes out...:dead:
  Trophy #473
depends on my mood, do try to keep over 32mpg but does get a good booting about twice a day.
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
I guess I kind of go with the flow most of the time. I'm not bothered by traffic, or even traffic jams, I just take it as it comes. I do however sometimes get the urge for a 'drive'. I'm a definite country road girl, there's just nothing better than a challenge, don't do anything stupid, NEVER rev the bollox off her, infact unless showing some idiot she isnt 'just' a Clio and I'm not 'only' a woman, I rarely take her over 4.5k. I hate motorways and avoid them if I can, but generally cruise down the outside lane at a steady 80-90 unless someone wants to play a little, then I might get tempted to show them what she's got, which for a 1.6 is quite abit. I'm alot more conservative than I was with my 1.4, but then again I had to give her abit more welly to make her pay attention.;)
