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How much extra BHP ?


ClioSport Club Member
Swapped out the janspeed for scorpion, the difference in power was noticeable right away. What kind of BHP can be gained from simple exhaust swap ?



ClioSport Club Member
Maybe the old one had collapsed baffles or something, if it was really restricted for some reason then replacing it would make quite a big difference.

The diameter of the pipe I think is making the difference.


ClioSport Club Member
Was the old one smaller diameter than stock then or something?

People aren't pulling your leg or anything, there's genuinely nothing to be had swapping the exhaust on a 182.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 cup
I think the difference you are feeling id due to slightly less back pressure from the larger diameter of the exhaust tubing. Means it will feel more responsive and rev slightly quicker, whether that translates into more power I dont htink it will.


ClioSport Club Member
I wouldn't be so sure, the fastest RS I've ever had is my RaceVan which runs a pattern part cheapo from the motor factors

I’ve no idea what’s making the difference but no complaints, think I’ll pull the 182 wheels off and stick the 1.2s on and make the most of it.
