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How to work with a satin finsih?


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode

Over the next few weeks i'm going to attempt to fix a scuff on one of my 197 speedlines. I already have the paint in base coat, but according to auto-paint, it should have a satin lacquer, but this is proving hard to get hold of? They have said if i leave the base coat finish this should be OK.......

I'm reasonably handy with a rattle can, so can fill/flat back the scuff, but as the scuff is only on a spoke, is it just simply a matter of building up the layers, and thats it? It cant really be cut in if i'm thinking correctly as it will shine up the finish lol

Oh also, what the best method of filling curb marks? Usual filler, or chemical metal type stuff?

Any help/pointers?
