cant see that using a valver head would make if overfuel much at all,cant see the point in putting management on it when the standard ecu can be mapped just aswell
the future plan is heavy engine standalone is eventually going to be considered
wounded, how come u never came the actual rr day man? i clocked 277bhp as the damn thing kept climbing the rollers, lol
thought it was on the sunday....doh!
not supposed to clean em really mate, the CTS is on the side of the head, n/s, has a white connector
ah well god knows then.....could be anything, the amount of dodgy stuff ive found on this block as ive been going along is unreal, to have been built by a reputable tuner aswell.....oh well.
and yeah, i could have the ecu im running now mapped, and get good results.......but its either circa £350 for a map, or just over half of that cost for a williams head and bits i need....and it should run as it should, on the williams ecu.........which i was told was chipped, but dosent seem to be the case when i opened it, unless it was flashed.
I may aswell replace the lambada sensor too at the same time, for piece of mind at least.... problem is though, if it still runs rich with a new sensor, itl just get coked up again, meaning another sensor wasted?