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I want a Blackberry but i wont use it for emails ?

As per title...

Iv wanted a Blackberry for ages im decided to get the 8700v.

I just really like the look of them and its function like the message scroll.

Im selling ym LG Chocolate phone at the moment its in the for sale section.

Do you think im worng in getting this Blackbeery just for use as a normal phone ?


ClioSport Club Member
I have to say - I wouldn't bother. I have one for work (can't remember model, but one of the new ones that's more like a normal phone) but apart from being able to do e-mail it's pretty rubbish...

I'd get a decent nokia/SE phone instead...
Everyone says that.

I just really like them but i guess your all right if it aint going to be used for emails then isnt worth it.
T3RRY why do you want one, you can only check mails and thats it, you cannot amend word document attachments or anything like that, it would be better to get the HP phone, or o2 mobile phone such as the mini s or the XDA exec :)
I dont want to do anything like that either just want to use it as a normal phone call and text.

I guess i should stick with my lg chocolate as its does what i want and has a camera and quiet stylish
T3RRY why do you want one, you can only check mails and thats it, you cannot amend word document attachments or anything like that, it would be better to get the HP phone, or o2 mobile phone such as the mini s or the XDA exec :)

Im not after a phone to do all this im a electrician i wouldnt need to a phone for this.

I just like the look of the blackberry 8700v.

I just use a phone for calls and texts i rarely use my camera if i want images mp3 ill just get them bluetoothed to me as it has got bluetooth and mp3 its the new blackberry version just doesnt have a camera.

Im 18 and a electrician i dont use word attachment or anything like that i have no need to and i wouldnt use it if it did have it.
Everyone says that.

I think im best if i dont get one.

If i did get one i will probally regret it

Thanks guys for helping me see the light :D
  Der Panzer
SE P990i.

Ace phone and has your ghey scrolling requirement.

Be advised though, I own and operate a brick and I do use it for email and texting primarily; it does my c**t in.

Stick to a nice cheecky little handset and you'll be alright.
Im cheers andy i was just thinking ill get tired keep scrolling and would proberly like a camera after a while lol im glad i didnt buy one ill stick to my new smart lg choclate its got everything you need in a phone and looks cool :D

Once again thanks
