Yesterday coming back from work there was a V6 a few cars ahead of me on my local highstreet, first of all i thought, "big deal, only a V6" but then everytime he took off from a standstill i could hear it, which i thought was strange as i though V6s were quiet...
Eventually i went down a right turn only lane so i could be next to it at the front of the queue, he gave me a little glance and i looked at the Vee, it had Mark Fish Motorsport (or similar) written above the rear window. When the lights went green he floored it and the sound, my god, was amazing! And it was also bloody loud, drowning out my k-tec easily, it went from a cultured creamy V6 noise to a really aggressive race tuned howl, wonderful!! So from 6 last night ive been thinking about how much i want a V6
Just thought id share that!