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I Want It To Sparkle

  1.2L 16V Campus Spor
Hi all,
I am a car washing noob. I use a bucket of warm water and bath sponge :eek: .

I want my car to dazzle. I have a Black Campus Sport, any tips/products/instructions from any pro's?

I do not want to break the bank with stuff like polishers, and will consider a pressure washer in June.

Also, I have many chips in the roof of my car, I can only assume the previous owner left bird S*** to rot away the paint, as it is in bird poo shaped ovals, and a bit flaky, anything I can do here?

  clio sport 172
in my opinion dont use a pressure washer on your car,wash with a spongue and any car wash soap and polish it up with autoglym products which are not your cheapest but not your expensive stuff either,I got a cheap polisher from argos and it has brought all my cars up really well,have you tried t cut on your roof or a chip pen in your car colour
  3 Series xdrive
Basic and low cost:

A good wash with some meguires gold class shampoo, Rinse, Chamios dry, Autoglym Super Resin polish(SRP) followed by Autoglym Extra Gloss protection(EGP) and some meguires tyre gel and you should see a noticeable difference. Wouldnt bother with a pressure washer to be honest a hose should be suffice.
  182 Ly ff.
Don't use a sponge! Bits of dirt get caught in the sponge and cause micro swirls and scratches! Use a lambs wool mit and the 2 bucket method!
in my opinion dont use a pressure washer on your car,wash with a spongue and any car wash soap and polish it up with autoglym products which are not your cheapest but not your expensive stuff either,I got a cheap polisher from argos and it has brought all my cars up really well,have you tried t cut on your roof or a chip pen in your car colour

If you don't know, don't post.

Gally, he said the T word. Imagine my reaction when I'm a mod...
  Not a 320d
in my opinion dont use a pressure washer on your car,wash with a spongue and any car wash soap and polish it up with autoglym products which are not your cheapest but not your expensive stuff either,I got a cheap polisher from argos and it has brought all my cars up really well,have you tried t cut on your roof or a chip pen in your car colour

Fantastic advice, hold on a minute while I sick up all over myself.
  ph2 172
Noodle mit from asda, 2 buckets, car shampoo (autoglym bodywork shampoo from boyes on offer) a good drying towel like the I4D blue and red one, autoglym SRP and AG EGP from boyes on offer too ! And some foam applicators + microfibers.
  Honda & VW
I am cringing reading some of this thread, thanks coldeb1. oh can you send me a link to this car wash soap, sounds good stuff....
  Not a 320d
JD, Gally.

Deez people is takin over are territry innit.

LOL at AG Shampoo. LOL at noodle Mitt. Mind you if your cars already shagged then why not.
On a budget...Wash mitt on ebay circa 3 quid and another vote for Meguires Gold Class from me, brings black paint up a treat


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Oh my days... I go away for half an hour and out come the valeters.

I knew this wasn't going to end well... Where's Roy?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Oh my days... I go away for half an hour and out come the valeters.

I knew this wasn't going to end well... Where's Roy?
  Not a 320d
I often get this urge to wash someones car with a sponge and some triple wax shampoo, a leather and a hose pipe just to see what it used to be like.
JD, Gally.

Deez people is takin over are territry innit.

LOL at AG Shampoo. LOL at noodle Mitt. Mind you if your cars already shagged then why not.

Nothing wrong with personal preference and budget mate. We all have our own. I still know professionals who post on detailing world who use noodle mitts on 40k+ cars. Everyone has to start somewhere. You seem pretty clued up, yet it was only 8 months or so ago you was asking what a glaze actually was. In my eyes thats laughable but didnt feel the reason to take the piss for it.......
  Not a 320d
Nothing wrong with personal preference and budget mate. We all have our own. I still know professionals who post on detailing world who use noodle mitts on 40k+ cars. Everyone has to start somewhere. You seem pretty clued up, yet it was only 8 months or so ago you was asking what a glaze actually was. In my eyes thats laughable but didnt feel the reason to take the piss for it.......

Not a product Ive ever needed to use before and i wondered if they were wax suitable. AH Shampo is s**t. Noodle mits are pretty poor too when you want to avoid swirls.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Flol! Well played younf Durbin, well played.

Like a fine Polo shot.
I was watching a documentary on the making of Eric and Ernie the other night, had Ric Reeves as the father so he was interviewed along with showing clips from the show. Comedy genius right there. Made me sad it all ended a few years before I was born...
