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The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
silly question really. im looking for those little circle polish applicator pads on i4detailing and can't find any? done a few searches to no avail.

can someone help please?

would also be helpful if you can find me a good wash mit (the type you get wet and use instead of a sponge)

im treating myself and really dunno what im looking for.

sorry to come across lazy:)
silly question really. im looking for those little circle polish applicator pads on i4detailing and can't find any? done a few searches to no avail.

can someone help please?

would also be helpful if you can find me a good wash mit (the type you get wet and use instead of a sponge)

im treating myself and really dunno what im looking for.

sorry to come across lazy:)

Do you mean the 4" round blue foam applicators I send out with wax purchases? These are from Lake Country and are not available on the site to purchase seperately at the moment. When my next batch come in (on order) I will add them to the site.

The Megs ones are good value at 2 for 2.95 (third one down);

My best selling wash mitt is the I4D synthetic wool mitt @ 5.95.
