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  P reg clio s maxim
I've a p reg clio which i left on a car park, came back a few hours later an my remote key fob would no longer unlock the doors or turn the immobiliser off! i've tried both of my keys and neither work! Has anyone had this problem before and is there any way round it without bein ripped off at my dealers?

  P reg clio s maxim
nope, it's fine. me car still starts but cause i can't turn the immobiliser off, it cuts out after a few seconds
Is it a radio key fob or an infrared zapper on the ignition key?
Are you parked near or in the line of sight of a mobile phone mast?

It has been known for these to 'deafen' cars so that radio zappers don't work. If this is the case, you might have to push it behind a big building! :S :D
  P reg clio s maxim
it's a line of sight Infra red key fob, does anyone know of any way to by-pass the immobiliser? or how much it'd cost to get a new IR sensor and set of Keys???
right.. use the key to gain entry.

you have an ir sensor at front of your sun roof.. remove the whole unit... and get the circuit board out of it.. it may have blue corrosion on.. wipe it clean...also let it dry out..
sounds like your sun roof has leaked on to it...ive had this problem.. it was sorted by the method i just mentioned
  '92 172, Lotus Elise
i've just bought a new key from renault as mine wasnt working

I was charged about £90inc for a new key. the guy said if i wanted a new recieved, that would be an extra 170+vat!!

i almost had to, as the code had come off my key and apparently renault have no details of my car!. Luckily I decided to check the reciever, and hey presto... a code! :p

anyways. a new set of keys + sensor = over £250!!
