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Immobiliser problem.

  A3 1.8T
Am unable to start my car due to the immoblisier kicking in, the key doesnt work so cant de activate the immobiliser. Renault wont give me the immboliser code to dis arm it.

Is there any way of getting round this so i can take it to a garage? or anyone who works for renualt albe to get the code for me?

  Blown up 182 & Mondeo TDI
I have read somewhere before that you can get boxes that will get round it, look on eBay.

Carefull though, some let you bypass it 20 times then lock it for good.
  A3 1.8T
Thats the problem though, i want the immobiliser i just need to bi-pass it so i can get it to the garage. Renault say they cant give me MY immobiliser code to bi-pass it because of the data protection act,
Its your code complain again to them and Renault Uk its your code. You might need proof of ownership etc.
  Blown up 182 & Mondeo TDI
Can you not get a tow down there or something?

If their claiming Data Protection act their talking muff. The act is there to protect YOUR information, if you can prove its your car they HAVE to give you all information they hold about your car. Have you taken in your V5?

I used to work in customer services at work, we did a course on it as customers have the right to have a copy of all info we hold on them, meaning you have to be carefull when someone pisses you off and not write in the notes 'Mr is an idiot'.

I can understand them not just giving codes out to anyone but with a V5 what else can you do to prove you won the car?

  A3 1.8T
I went down there with all documents i have V5 etc but they just said no.

Brian, is a 97 MK1 mate.
A decent Renault dealer WILL give you the code.

You need to provide proof that you own the car in the form of a utility bill, drivers license, registration document and passport.

It will cost you £16 in administration charges.

Try another dealer mate

I obtained my code using the above then started the car using Mike@Rentech's CLiP Diagnostic Laptop!
  A3 1.8T
Tried a local one Day, went down there with V5 both parts of driving license.

They told me to ring Renault Customer service did it there and then but they just said no.
That's just plain wrong.

Tell them that Simpkins (Chandlers Ford Renault) provide it to customers for a small fee.
  A3 1.8T
Have found someone who will help tow it now. Got to take it to Dorking they have a drop in service apparantly. No doubt it is going to cost a fortune.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
I had a look in the Renault manuals and it would appear the code is the only way forward.
Interestingly thought, they emphasise the need to make sure the battery is fully charged as the immobiliser will cut in during the crank phase if its not, they repeat that 3 times in the diagnostic check list, FYI.
  A3 1.8T
Thanks for the Brian, i think i will just take it down there now am loosing pateince with it!

Just find it strange they wont give me somehting that I own, surely when you buy the car all the data for it i.e. immobiliser code is yours as well.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Thanks for the Brian, i think i will just take it down there now am loosing pateince with it!

Just find it strange they wont give me somehting that I own, surely when you buy the car all the data for it i.e. immobiliser code is yours as well.

To coin a phrase, "Where would we be without rules?"
Working for a French car maker ! ;)
