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Insurance Help Needed

  Black 1.2 Extreme
Hi guys;

So basically the Insurance is due for renewal on my 1.2 Clio Exteme at the end of August
But I am starting to think about it now as I have 6ish weeks of holidays booked abroad coming up fairly soon

I am currently with an online company called "Insure The Box" I got fully comp cover with no mods for just above 2.2k last year
Bearing in mind I am now 18, 19 in October and have had no axidents tickets or claims etc I am expecing it to go down, hopefully
Although the current policy is in my mum's name with me as a named drive (still me as main driver of the car so its not illegal etc) therefore I have will not recive any no claims bonus for this year

I was just wondering what the best process is to get the cheapest quote?
So far I figure it is something like this

1.Enter details into all comparrison sites, compare the market, moneysupermarket, etc
2. Find the cheapest quotes from there and ring them up direc for their very lowest price, note those down
3. Ring up insurers that are not on price comparrison sites eg Aviva, Direct line etc and get the besdt quotes possible from them
4. Ring up what I have found to be the cheapest and sort all the final details out

I was just wondering if anyone has any other advice for me?
Or any company which you think will be the best to go to or will give good deals to young drivers?

All help and comments much appreciated, Sam
you have pretty much nailed it on the head, but lost out on 1 years no claims :(

i found directline to be the cheapest when i was 18/19 and used them up until i had the 182 with new springs!


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTI
Fire onto Quidco as well and see if any company is doing cashback deals. My premium was £400 this year, minus the £70 cashback Aviva were doing so £330. Winner.

Also, awesome spelling of accidents lol.
  Black 1.2 Extreme
Yeye I forgot to mention Quidco, one of my tutors at college told me about that and ive checked it out and it looks pretty good
Please excuse my poor spelling
  Black 1.2 Extreme
Personally I think I will be happy with anything below 2k
But would people say it is worth paying more to ensure that I get no claims bonus?
I'm 19 and having a 2 year NCB was the difference between me being able to buy a 182 or not being able to have one. Simple as that, the difference in insurance premium would have completely ruled a 182 out. If you use my postcode/car/age etc to compare to yours then you're an idiot :)rasp:) but my 2 years NCB was worth around £500 on circa group 12 cars (was a 1.7 Puma to be exact) and worth well over £1000 on my 182 insurance.

Paying a few hundred more to get a policy that gives you an NCB is only worth it if it saves you more than it cost, which it probably will but is impossible to actually tell given how much prices are changing recently and will continue to do so in the near future.
  LY 182 & 200
Im 20 with a 182. I have 2 years NCB, a claim and a excess of £500. I get insured with elephant for £821 for 10 months fully comp. I got this because my car is parked in a "residental parking area" and if you put your parents on the policy as named drivers it may reduce the premium. It reduced mine £400-500. With insurance companys youve got to just be patient and shop around for ages and you will finally find a good quote.
  LY 182 & 200
my insurance dropped ~£350 for each year of no claims i had!

so yes, and also being a named driving but being the primary drive is illegal!

I dont know if this is aimed at what i put. However, i said "if you put your parents on it as named drivers". This is with you still being the policy holder.
  LY 182 & 200
Admiral, elephant and bell (part of the admiral group) all seem to be the cheapest at the moment. But its constantly changing so cant really say. Later on this year males are meant to be getting cheaper car insurance. There is no longer going to be difference between male and female drivers :D But I don't know when this is coming into effect.


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTI
Admiral, elephant and bell (part of the admiral group) all seem to be the cheapest at the moment. But its constantly changing so cant really say. Later on this year males are meant to be getting cheaper car insurance. There is no longer going to be difference between male and female drivers :D But I don't know when this is coming into effect.

If you really believe that the price for males will fall you will believe anything. Women will just pay more.
