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Insurance Help

  Monaco Blue Mk2
Dads insurance is due. Bit of a messy one though.
Dad and his wife have a car each. However both are registered in my Dads name. The insurance on the car that he drives is up for renewal however the policy is in his wifes name who rarely/never drives it, and he is a named driver. The other car, which his wife drives and he rarely/never drives, is insured in my dads name with his wife as named driver. I said I'd look for quotes for him on his car, however mentioned to him that it may come accross as fronting with it being registered to him but insured in his wifes name, may appear to be trying to get it cheaper etc etc.
I assume with him using his NCB on his wifes car, that he wouldn't be able to use them to insure his car in his own name at the same time, until the insurance on the other car runs out and then get that insurance in his wifes name! (I told you this was messy)
What do you reckon is the best thing to do? My head is wrecked!! :S :dead:
  CS Dungeon
My car is registered to me but insured by my mrs as she has 8yrs no claims to my 2 yrs

I am just a named driver.....this is with adrian flux
