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Insurance "tarnished" by other driver

Apr 2005, parked at Tescos going right, guy behind me in a white van looking left smacked into the back of me.

I had to make a claim on my insurance for the work and then was reembused the money, NCB was not affected.

But what annoys me is that I have to declare it, and I cant help but think it has tarnished my perfect insurance history....
Don't worry mate, if your insurance company made a full recovery, a nonfault claim won't affect the premium or the way you are viewed at all.
  1.6 Astra ... R.I.P. 182
if you make the claim from your own insurance even if it wasnt your fault, it will affect it even if all costs have been recovered from the 3rd party.

get a quote with and without a no cost claim and tell me it doesnt make a difference ...
As I said, if your insurance company have made a full recovery of all the losses, it won't affect your policy or premium, exactly as has happened in the situation above..
Then I have no idea what your insurance companies are messing at. I work for RBSi (Direct Line, Churchill, Tesco etc etc) and a non-fault claim makes absolutely no difference to your policy..
Hmm.. Glasgow.. Claims dept?

I set policies up all day and adding and removing nonfault claims makes as much difference to a premium/policy endorsements as a glass claim.. ie none.
  1.6 Astra ... R.I.P. 182
yeah but not in motor so im not using my work knowledge, im going by personal experience, experience of mates and of people on here for example.
Then I would advise them to check how their companies have their claims logged. I'm forever correcting claims codes that are entered as fault and never changed back to nonfault once the recovery has been made..
  Chocolate Bar™
Then I have no idea what your insurance companies are messing at. I work for RBSi (Direct Line, Churchill, Tesco etc etc) and a non-fault claim makes absolutely no difference to your policy..

direct line quoted me £2200 and tesco 'opted out' of giving me a quote based on my 2 claims. brilliant.
Most of them are pretty shite for me too mate, with DL only because of the staff discount to be honest..

@Middo, yeah sorry, misread your last post re: the taxi driver, unfortunately that little b*****d will cost you..
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  1.6 Astra ... R.I.P. 182
what happens if someone notifys the insurance company of a possible claim. 3rd party at fault and it gets settled away from insurance.
therefore nothing is paid out and technically its not a claim even though it is. does this affect the policy ?

this is something ive not known before.
Again, depends on the consultant logging it. They usually make the error of logging it as a recovery outstanding claim, in expectation of you claiming, when it ought to be logged as a no-claim or ignored altogether. I personally wouldnt bother reporting it if it is being settled away from the insurance, like when some little scrote keyed my old C2, theoretically it should of been reported as a malicious damage "incident" with no claim, but you could do that for every stonechip and scuffed alloy. I would only report a 3rd party fault if they were going to do likewise despite you not claiming (highly unlikely as it would affect their policy..)
  Clio RT 1.4
I still have "claims" on my record affecting my premium.

Also, I pranged someone earlier this year, told my insurance company. I have given the guy my details but 7 months on, still no claim has been made. I dont have any of his insurance details but they wont give me some money back for swapping to a Clio from a Mondeo (about £150 because a claim is still reported. Even though I reported it and nothing has happend...

They said I will have to pay a larger re-newal premium in November, but will get any money owed back to me in Jan when it has been 12 months and no claim has been processed.

  Clio 182 (Black Beauty)
affected mine. i had big argument with my insurance. they said it was due to the fact that id been involved involved in a accident. i said thats bullshit!


ClioSport Club Member
if you make the claim from your own insurance even if it wasnt your fault, it will affect it even if all costs have been recovered from the 3rd party.

It all depends on your insurer. I've had 2 non fault claims. Elephant and all those companies load the premium.

Tesco/Privilege and the rest of that group haven't. This is personal experiance, not heresay.

get a quote with and without a no cost claim and tell me it doesnt make a difference ...

It didn't make a difference.
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as ChrisR says, with elephant, admiral etc even if you have a totally non-fault accident and a full recovery of their costs is made, it WILL increase your premium as it increases your 'risk factor'. It really is the biggest fcuking con ever.
insurance full stop is just a con.
Has anyone ever noticed, the premium goes up eachtime you do a search. They just get more and more expensive....
