White Sti Hatch
So runs out this month :/ so off to sit on the phone to foreigners who don't understand a word you say !
Looking for some company's to try
Went thought
Im 21 (22 this year) - 4Years NCB - SP30 :/ - Megane 230 R26
Flux - £854 F/C through Aviva (they woudlent insure me till i was 25 when i phoned directly *Shrugs*)
Elephant - £934.05 F/C (with them for 4 years so)
Anyone recommend other company's to try
Looking for some company's to try
Went thought
Im 21 (22 this year) - 4Years NCB - SP30 :/ - Megane 230 R26
Flux - £854 F/C through Aviva (they woudlent insure me till i was 25 when i phoned directly *Shrugs*)
Elephant - £934.05 F/C (with them for 4 years so)
Anyone recommend other company's to try