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Internet Down/upload speed Help ??

  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Right i just did a speed check, we're on the XL package with Virgin so we should be getting 20meg.

I share the house with 3 other lads who often download etc but atm its just me on the system.

Im getting

8377 Download
720 Upload
16ms ping.

What does it mean? am i getting what i'm paying for? Is it any good?

cheers guys.
  Bus w**ker
Is any one on your network currently downloading? Your upload and ping seem ok, but that download is miles off what it should be. Doesn't look like you're capped though.

Here's mine, also XL, only other device currently connected to the network is my BlackBerry and I'm not downloading anything.

That's actually down a bit compared to usual but meh. Speedtests aren't always accurate though.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Right, there's only 2 of us online and niether are downloading,

I should be getting more than that then. I'll give virgin a ring.
  Bus w**ker
I wouldn't bother ringing Vermin TBH mate. Mumbai support sucks ass.

How are you connecting to the network? Router? Wired or Wireless? If Wireless is it secured? If a router have you checked to see what devices are currently showing as being connected to it? Have all machines on the network been checked for Virii, Spy/Malware?
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
We all have up to date spyware etc but someone may have a virus, I'm wireless currently 4 pc connected 2 wireless 1 wired but only 1 is on.

There also a ps3 on it wireless and an xbox wired but there not on. The password is only the preset one, I didn't set it up, how can I change the password.

All the lights are on, on the White box apart from 1/4 but I'm on the xbox ATM.

Cheers again
  Polo + Micra

i just got this using my laptop with a g speed wireless card

i have never got a test below 15mbits on my VM 20mbit BB
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Any point in me calling them?? Even with the stuff on it it should be higher shouldn't it.

For that score there was only 2 comps on not downloading.
Open your task manager and see what speed connection you have with the router. I was also only getting 10mb out of a 20mb connection but it was my wireless connection which was throttling it. The wireless speed would drop to 11mbps when under load. New Router = happy days & 270mbps wireless connection.
  Clio 172mk2
on xl package

on wireless , london server

on maidenhead

on wired connection
on london

On maidenhead

NL server on wired connectio


  Audi TT Stronic
It says 100mbps under link speed in task manager, what am I looking for

Try the speedtest from the wired computer (the one with a cable connected to the router !)

Switch all the other computer off.

Open task manager and check the networking tab for traffic.. if there is any relative amount of traffic on any of the interfaces you may be infected with spyware/adware/trojans etc. But windows sometimes does some background transfers which could account for some traffic.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R

I'm on 8Mbps and when its on a roll I get around 500-600KB/s download speed. However, sometimes in the evenings I get 36KB/s average. Utter f*cking sh*t. TBH.

No idea why.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
They told us to was guaranteed 20, one of the reasons we went with them and not sky who said they couldnt guarantee us anything.
