So yeah since moving into the new house I have been with SKY but not with SKY (On the connect service as they didnt have any LLU to SKY in my local exchange)
I would struggle to get above 3-4 meg out of BT's kit.."Thats the maximum speed your line can handle sir" No im 800 metres from the exchange (line of site anyway) bolloxs.
On the 28th SKY finally put some of there equipment in the exchange and since then have been receiving this...
And thats during peak times with me downloading something off steam upstairs too. Have not had any lag issues playing PS3 online...even at my previous house I had lag and was within 1km of the exchange and would struggle to get above 6 meg. I knew something fishy with BT was happening.
Good ol BT "Maximum your line can take sir" f**k off.