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Internet useage online gamming

  Stagecoach Ticket
Got my bill and apparently i have used 7gb over this month

anyone know how much Call of duty and forza use online per hour for instance?

I normally nerd out for around 3 hours a day

could this by why? taking into account i get 10gb useage a month and i download nothing, rarely listen to online radio or i player.

Only use is PS3 online gamming
Forums and data for university yet never file downloads

anyone know about this shiz?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
There's no way surely you can use that from gaming!

I hardly use anything, I played for 12hours 3 days in a row and it hardly touched my 8gb allowance!
  Stagecoach Ticket
I just rang up BT got my £7 sur charge back because they couldent prove it.My network is very secure and iam safe guarded by an A road i cant see someone standing out there trying to steal net. BT Are now saying i used 16 gb before i had the ps3! and i havent downloaded anything all they tryed to do was upgrade me!

And Gally thats epic haha thats like a full time job
