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Introduction in pics (56k unfriendly)

  Clio 1.2 16v Dynamique
I've been browsing around for a while but I've never managed to find the time to post but here we have it. On study leave at the moment so naturally I decided to spend the best part of a day cleaning the car, pics to follow.

I'm 17 but I've been driving it for at least 3 months now, I got it in October from Surrey and it's a 1.2 16v dynamique billabong with climate control (33,000 miles). Ideally what I'd like to do is to make it an exact replica of a 172, or just get a 172 but with insurance I can't really do that and my insurance won't let me modify it whatsoever. Sooo, saving up now to get a nice one when I'm out of uni. Can't lower it, get new alloys etc. etc. or anything now - insurance is £2000 as it is and that was the cheapest quote we could get. Apparently, I'm in a high risk area but I guess I am just outside of Slough.

Anywho, pics are below. All taken on my k750i, quite surprised with the quality actually. Sorry that there are so many.








Some reflections



And finally....a comparison of the tyres before and after tyre shine

  black/gold 182
welcome to cs matey, theres plenty of time for you to mod your car in the future so just enjoy it, it looks nice and clean and best colour too :approve:
  330Ci M Sport
wise decision with the saving, will be worth it in the end.

agreed....makes a nice change to hear someone young not saying how they're going to reverse it into halfords at full whack.
  Clio 1.2 16v Dynamique
Thanks for the welcomes guys. Probably will stick silvervisions on eventually, want to upgrade the normal bulbs and I might do the indicators as well then, depends nearer the time.

So yeah, damn lucky to have it now and for the next two years until I go off to uni.
