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iphone and 02 question.......?

  6/468 17poo
Ok so ive had an n95 for since release and now it bores me!

with the iphone and the 02 contracts does it include internet free all the time or do you have to connect to a wifi network?

rather ask people on here than the shops as ill get talked into one!
oh and whats insurance like with 02 a month is it loads?

You get unlimited data on 3G/Edge/GPRS and also unlimited access to "The Cloud" and "BTOpenZone".

It also connects to any other Wifi network you have access to. (Home, work, etc)
  6/468 17poo
So basically you can get internet anywhere for free as long as you have got a 3g signal or wifi, coolio thats what i need!

the tariffs seem alot but if you get that aswell its a bonus, im with orange at the moment so debating swapping back to 02 just to try this iphone out!
  Formally Clio 182
Go for it mate. I had an N95 got bored and got a iPhone 3G recently.

The cool thing is that if a Wifi network is available, it will automatically use that instead of 3G cos it's faster.

If there's no Wifi then it will just use 3G.
I have the first version of the iphone on orange and loving it.. wish i could check my hotmail on it though
  Citroen DS3 DSport
So basically you can get internet anywhere for free as long as you have got a 3g signal or wifi, coolio thats what i need!

the tariffs seem alot but if you get that aswell its a bonus, im with orange at the moment so debating swapping back to 02 just to try this iphone out!

Doesn't need to be a 3G signal. Edge or GPRS are also free. The tariffs are good value considering all that is included and the net browsing on the iPhone is excellent.
  Black Gold 182 FF
You can check/send your hotmail on the iphone by creating a shortcut to:

Type that into the address bar and then "add to home screen".

You only have to log in once, it saves a cookie for next time.

This page also has messenger on it also. :cool:
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
Unlimited data on the iphone really is worth the money.

I run a couple of businesses that rely on me having web access, and it is great having access to them any time, anywhere, plus email, and the rest of the stuff that comes on the iphone! I use it for internet more than anything else, think I've only made one call and sent 0 txts up to yet lol!
You can check/send your hotmail on the iphone by creating a shortcut to:

Type that into the address bar and then "add to home screen".

You only have to log in once, it saves a cookie for next time.

This page also has messenger on it also. :cool:

Just gonna try that!
