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Iphone Tariffs? What have you got?

  6/468 17poo
Just out of interest which tariff are people on with the iphone, cant decide between the 35/45 per month as you get the phone cheaper?

i know it all depends on how you use it, just interested



ClioSport Club Member
45 per month and 7 quid bolt on for unlim txts

Were you allowed thw bolt on for unlimited texts?
When I bought mine from CPW they said it couldnt be done.....ill be ringing o2 up on monday about it!


ClioSport Club Member
Ah, stupid girl in the shop said that it wasnt an option on the iphones!
I'll get that sorted asap for it then!

For the original question, im on the £35 tariff, don't use 600 mins a month let alone 1200!
£45.. will probably stay on that though.. I try to use my 1200 mins a month, just ring people, and get nowhere near.. ahwell.. :p
  Iceburg 172FF
£45 quid for me. On a side note my first months bill for it came through last week.....£197.50! Some f**k face at the O2 shop had forgot to put the form through that notifies them of the tariff change. So while I was using my supposedly free internet I was running up a massive bill, think I managed 45 quids worth of usage in 1 day :D
  In between cars....
£45 quid for me. On a side note my first months bill for it came through last week.....£197.50! Some f**k face at the O2 shop had forgot to put the form through that notifies them of the tariff change. So while I was using my supposedly free internet I was running up a massive bill, think I managed 45 quids worth of usage in 1 day :D

thats a lotta p*rn :rasp:
