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iphone XR

  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
sounds sick! 8mp camera, biometric ID, more memory, slimmer, lighter....jesus sounds perfect. Hope they have 3g on it and MMS as standard lol!
  Clio 182 cup'd
^^ dito, so they are basically keeping up with the rivals, well done. It just showed what hype can do to a product
not rubbish at all, I am not a huge mac fan but do admire some of their stuff. Even though the current iPhone has a lot of stuff missing its an excellent phone, and I've had many.

Even though u might think ur n95 is great which it is you must admit that the iPhone has excellent features u would like ur n95 to have?!



ive never thought, i wish this had bioetric ID... dont use phone camera coz there all shite.
however with iphone i have thought... i wish it had a keypad.
money it dont have hsdpa, which it should

smartphones ftw.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
No, the article has no factual content.

The Next iPhone possibly wont be rubbish.
  Revels Mum & Sister
LOL Tom is such a phone snob.

If the Nokia had the simplicity and cleaness of the iphone along with the menus and the whole way it works it would be a good phone ;)

I think the iphone is excellent. If you make calls, send texts and use an ipod it makes sense IMO. Might be technically lacking in some areas but that makes no difference to me
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
i was only winding you up about the nokia BTW! :p

I am a fan of the iphone, and I probably would have one, but I think they are just lacking slightly on a few specs.
The iPhone is not all that good for composing texts tbh. Maybe I just have fat fingers. lol

The fact it has a s**t camera means it's not a phone I'll everr consider. In terms of features the N95 knocks it into a cocked hat for me.

Still looks lovely mind and the UI is mint.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
The camera is pretty poor in anything other than sunny locations but that's not a problem for me anyway.

Texting is very easy and I am in no way slower with the iPhone than when I was using any Nokia phone. I actually prefer texting on the iPhone.
Camera phones are pointless imo even the n95 is s**t compared to compacts

Perhaps. But I don't want to carry round a compact. Even the smallest decent ones are bigger than the phone.

My N95 I have SatNav/Camera/Videocamera/Music/Internet all in one little package.

Still the camera isn't important to some I can accept that. There's no right or wrong. It's horses for courses.
anyone who actually has an iphone will agree texting is a breeze on it, i'm twice as quick using the touch keyb compared with predicitive text tbh. seriously you justgot to get used to it. Camera isn't as bad as people make out, example:


It looks worse than I thought lol And I used one. I'm sure you get used to it over time. But twice as fast? If you can text twice as I'll blow your bugle.

Why do people get so emotive about a phone? Maybe that's why I have a Nokia and not an Apple!
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Yeah at first I was crap at texting but after 2 or 3 days I was up to speed.

Even if you do hit an incorrect letter the iPhone usually auto corrects it anyway. The mistake several people make is to correct every error manually which obviously will take time in comparison to predictive text on a standard keypad.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Most of that will be automatically inserted too but even if not it's still quick and easy.
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
seriously i'm not saying it for the sake of it. i'm siginificanltly quicker. almost typing speed but perhaps it's just me. woudln't want to go back now i have it and thats the truth
  106 GTi
I could nit go back to normal phone, I keep touching there screens now and wondering why it does nothing. Texting becomes second nature after a few days.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I feel the same way. I had a quick play with my old N73 last week and it reminded me of how much I hated it. The keypad on that phone is terrible.
I'll reserve judgement until I've had a proper play with one. I'll be fucked if I'm buying one though lol

TBH if you wanted a text race, me and my 3210 would probably rip you a new one tbh. Old school big buttons ftw. lol
  2014 Focus Titanium
Rofl Laingo

I've used an iphone loads and whilst they are brilliant to use and nice looking I'd never have one over my '95. Maybe if the next gen iphone has GPS, 3G, better camera etc I'll consider but even then I'd rather pay £60 for a nokia on my contract than £280. Seriously anyone who has paid that is stupid beyond belief. That and deeply insecure lmao.


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8
deeply insecure?? LOL!

i had an n95 before my iphone... i can 100000% say i would easily pick my iphone over the n95 it works so much better, my n95 would f**k up in one way or another daily and the battery killed the phone too!

as a phone NOTHING comes close to it, it makes and receives calls and sends and receives txts perfectly its stupidly easy to use and the internet and email is perfect also!! i use mine a hell of alot for the internet etc... i have used the camera a few times when out but im a photographer i normally always have another camera with me! so that dont bother me... there is nothing else i need....

i also know i can go out and there will be 50 people with a n95 and i will pull out my iphone and people make more comments about it lol... i also have a giorgio armarni touch screen phone which is CRAP but i dont care if i loose it... im a badge whoar and i dont mind admitting it lol.

i also use my iphone in the car with my pioneer headunit connect it straight up and can use it like any other ipod and search all the songs etc and playlists... its perfect for me.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
They're cool, but lacking features, you can get Youtube mobile on any device that supports 3gp now.

Cept on 3G devices it's very quick.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
The N95 web browser is crap, Safari on the iPhone is the best mobile browser I've used and as I'm in an Edge area the browsing speeds are no worse than I used to have with my 3G handsets.

3G coverage in Glasgow is worse than Edge in the areas I work/live.

The iPod functionality is better than any of the other music phones too IMO.
This is incredible.

You really dont have a clue.

First of all, it's more than a phone.

32gig Itouch is £329 16gig Iphone £269
16gig Iphone £329, this includes a full blown ipod and a phone!!

I have everything in one, dont need to carry all this extra stuff.

Sorry buddy, but you don't have a clue here.

Rofl Laingo

I've used an iphone loads and whilst they are brilliant to use and nice looking I'd never have one over my '95. Maybe if the next gen iphone has GPS, 3G, better camera etc I'll consider but even then I'd rather pay £60 for a nokia on my contract than £280. Seriously anyone who has paid that is stupid beyond belief. That and deeply insecure lmao.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
The N95 web browser is crap, Safari on the iPhone is the best mobile browser I've used and as I'm in an Edge area the browsing speeds are no worse than I used to have with my 3G handsets.

3G coverage in Glasgow is worse than Edge in the areas I work/live.

The iPod functionality is better than any of the other music phones too IMO.

Safari seems to work fairly well from what I've used (very brief I admit).

Windows Mobile IE is pretty poor for most websites, although it works with websites that are made for it, try and use cliosport or gmail etc, and you're constantly having to browse left and right aswell as up and down to read things.

EDGE being faster than 3G though.... Dude. If there's good reception in your area, you'll have good 3G, if you have bad reception, you'd have bad 3G/EDGE and whatever.

I can vouch though that youtube is a pain in the arse on anything but 3G. Google maps is nice and quick with 3G too, with anything less it's slow and you have to go back to normal map mode (in which case where's the fun in using google maps in the first place!).
  Citroen DS3 DSport
At home I have no 3G but a great Edge connection, same at my work location. I didn't say it was faster but that it appears to be no worse for browsing speed. That may be down to a more efficient browser on the iPhone.

Ideally I'd prefer the option to connect using all 3 area dependent (Edge,GPRS or 3G).
  2014 Focus Titanium
LOL I was only joking lads, easy! Jesus! Take away my joke about someone paying that amount for it and my comment is far from ridiculous and clueless!
