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is my car bodged?

today i had the rear seats down and noticed somethings been welded up, on closer inspection it seems that the welds are bolts, that hold the rear axel on? but it dosent seem to fit to well....

hard to explain, any 1 have any ideas?


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I disagree. It's not bodged. Somebody has had the rear beam off the car, and as usual, due to the crappy way Renault make the bolts captive, the heads have spun when trying to remove the nuts. Simplest solution is to weld the bolt heads.
Might have been nice to put a bit of paint on them to make it more rust resistant, though!
  Mk2 Ph2 172
I wouldn't be too worried about it... Fair enough the welds aren't the neatest but its done the job!!

This Is why you don't use air tools on certain bolts ;)
  182cup & 172 racecar
I disagree. It's not bodged. Somebody has had the rear beam off the car, and as usual, due to the crappy way Renault make the bolts captive, the heads have spun when trying to remove the nuts. Simplest solution is to weld the bolt heads.
Might have been nice to put a bit of paint on them to make it more rust resistant, though!


This happened on ours, so we have now got long bolts going all the way through.

The only trouble with welding them, is that, if the rear beam is not square, then you cannot adjust it.
It might be a solution to a genuine problem but yes it is a bodge. How can it not be? Worst welding I've ever seen, and they've burnt through and left a hole in the panel!

I probably wouldn't worry too much, bt it's definitely a bit of a bodge. IMO.
More than likely been written off a some point and bent the rear axle!

lol, i dont think its anything like that, theres no signs of any other damage..... i just dont understand why some of the bracket sticks out in to the wheel arch at both side.... it that normal on all clios? (3rd pic)
  Lionel Richie
Worst welding I've ever seen, and they've burnt through and left a hole in the panel!

you should see some of the roll cages we see, unqualified people have had a go and wolloped it full of MIG

an ugly weld is normally a s**t one! (not 100% true but welding has to be pretty)
