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Is this real?

can't tow with a 172 can ya?? im sure it says on my manual that you cannot tow!!

.... yet there is a towing guide in that pack. Anyone else get one?
  3 MPS, MX5
I bought an owners manual pack from a guy on Ebay (aim to get it for £20) for my partner's Clio and yes I think it covers all models, although my V6 one is different.
  Scirocco GT 210
d.brown said:
can't tow with a 172 can ya?? im sure it says on my manual that you cannot tow!!

.... yet there is a towing guide in that pack. Anyone else get one?

Sure you can't tow? Because I've got a towing eye thingy, why would they give you one if you couldn't tow anything?
  Artic Blue 182FF
i have a one for my 2004 1.2. if its the same? you can have it for free so long as you pay for p & p
You cannot tow with a 172.
They were never tested and although a to bar will fit and I've seen them tow there not legally allowed to a crash when towing would invalidate your insurance.

A normal 1.2 etc although it has the same shell and mounts can tow.
