Aside from the removal of the START button and the introduction of Metro, specifically what's changed Darren?
(All of the menus that were in the START menu have been relocated to use any of the commands I listed in one of my previous posts).
I only see Metro when I start up and it has two tiles on it - One for Outlook, the other for Desktop...
Once past this step, it's nine tenths *exactly* the same. The remaining tenth is accessible from the start bar (roll over the top-right or bottom right of your screen) - Admittedly, not an obvious location, but just requires a simple adaption to your work-flow.
+1, I would be interested to understand what shortcuts you feel have been removed.
That's the thing - they haven't been removed, just
moved. Granted, I accept that they have to make progress forward, but for the reasons I mentioned earlier in this thread, Microsoft have had to create a Windows 7.5 rather than a balls-out change to a genuine replacement O/S.
I had a £1.6k slick and sleek sat hybrid tablet in front of me this morning and I even looked for the Windows 7 drivers for it as I was on the verge of reformatting it

. I felt like there was no consistency with the inputs. One minute I was using the nipple in the middle of the keyboard as that was easier, then had to use my grubby maulers to drag the menu in from the right as it was 50/50 is the stylus worked (but when it did work, it was awesome, btw). Other times, the touchscreen made it easier to use, then on others, I flipped up the keyboard as that was easier. Crazy. The shotgun approach to working quickly with it just adds to the frustration. I don't think I've EVER used the Search function within an O/S so much!
I'm very much against bastardising Windows 8 to have the look and feel of Windows 7 as there's no point. And I also appreciate that my moans and whinges will have zero affect - just in the same way that some hardcore Win98 users will have been throwing their toys out, back in '01 regarding WinXP. Windows 8 is here to stay, but I'll be skipping it and holding out for a true replacement - or (more likely) carrying on with Win7 until the bitter end.