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Isle of Wight Scooter Rally 2012

Every August Bank Holiday for the last 30 years this scooters invade. About 5,000 apparently. It means it's impossible to do above 30MPH anywhere as they ride in big groups and you can't over-take. But some of them look pretty good.

  Edition 30
Here's my old mans.

He isn't going here but goes all over the country on it. Crazy middle aged b*****d.



Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Nice work Dan.

Some of the shots are a little long for me, but I love Vespa's so I really don't care, lol.

Needs better music though! Itchycoo Park would've worked perfectly ;)
We used to always go on holiday to the IoW for a week over bank holiday weekend, and remember seeing all the scooters!
Quite a sight when they do the bit where they all do a circuit of the island!
Nice work Dan.

Some of the shots are a little long for me, but I love Vespa's so I really don't care, lol.

Needs better music though! Itchycoo Park would've worked perfectly ;)

Yeah, I think there's a fine line with the shots. Last time I did one it was over way too fast (story of my life) and then this time I think I've gone too far the other way.

I think they're pretty cool and for at least 9 minutes I wanted one.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
We can talk geeky camera stuff Saturday while everyone else gets their hands dirty <3

Might even make a video, if I can be bothered.
Never knew scooters had such a big following in France.

Decent video.. thank god you can't hear the noise of them. I can't even begin to imagine how annoying they sound.

I only did it to just practice some more. It was very cramped and a lot of people so not much chance to move around or take extra gear with me.
