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Isn't this so true... Android

  Fiat Panda 100hp
I've just read this over on engadget and think it's so true. I love the Android OS but so many different phones now mask it in a different way. I had a play on a Samsung Galaxy at the weekend and it looks nice etc then the sales woman said it's android, I didn't even recognise it. And the amount of horrible apps chucked on there was insane.

This is the only reason why I take the iPhone over a Android based phone, I love the eco system with the iphone and how when theres an update everyone gets it, not who the carrier thinks should have it.

Anyone agree?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Android is in danger of becoming freakishly fragmented (more than it already has)

What i dont like is how quickly handsets come and go with different builds. iOS wont have this problem especially with 4.2.
Generally takes 2 years for the latest Hardware to become useless.
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
well it's htc's fault for implementing sense, which to be fair was/is actually pretty good imo.

i hope android does keep rising to be a mainstream contender though, competition is always good


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
So do i, and if it ever gets to the stage where they make a superior OS i will switch.


North East
ClioSport Area Rep
One thing i like about the android is the fact you can download apps, and get refunds on them if you dont like them or anything.

  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
i made he swtich about 6 months ago but the os/hardware (too slow) wasn't ready for me lol!!!
  Facelift R53 Cooper S
So do i, and if it ever gets to the stage where they make a superior OS i will switch.

Only thing that keeps me from switching is the fragmentation and the speed of updates.

I understand they are going to slow down the speed of update revisions when they release Gingerbread, so hopefully by this time next year the Android Eco system will be alot more stable.

Alternatively they should bring out raw Android devices without Sense/motoblur/samsung crap on top.
  182FF with cup packs
Only thing that keeps me from switching is the fragmentation and the speed of updates.

I understand they are going to slow down the speed of update revisions when they release Gingerbread, so hopefully by this time next year the Android Eco system will be alot more stable.

Alternatively they should bring out raw Android devices without Sense/motoblur/samsung crap on top.

They did, it's the Nexus One, but because of Google's strange decision to sell it direct and only through their webshop theres only about 250,000 of them in the wild. Everyone else seems to have gone for the Desire or the Galaxy.

While the 2.1 v vanilla UI of Android left a little to be desired, 2.2 vanilla is as good as Sense on the other HTC phones. In fact the only things I actually miss from Sense are some of the widgets, and that's only really a cosmetic thing, as there are other widgets that do the exact same job, but just aren't as shiny.

I think though, that most devices with custom UI allow you to disable it (i know the Desire does) and use the vanilla launcher, but the issue from this article is less the customisations done by the phone manufacturer, and more the random bloatware s**te that every carrier loads, or features that they remove (i.e. Tethering). Unfortunatly this is the problem with virtually all carriers and all phones (just look at the iPhone in the US, even though it's capable of tethering, it's disabled unless you pay something like $25 for the priveledge).

Vodaphone recently pissed off a bunch of their Desire userbase with something like this. Theey pushed out an OTA update that everyone thought was the Froyo 2.2 update, except it was just a whole shed load of vodaphone bloatware, which you couldn't then un-install (well, you could, but it involved rooting your phone iirc)

TL;DR Mobile phone carriers will always try this s**t. An open OS makes it easier.
as said above each android device thats not running true android ( like htc loaded with sense and samsung with theyre galaxy homescreen) there is a option to remove the default setting and just stick with the android UI,
i do believe on the desire on orange theres a app ready installed that will do it for you
Im looking at switching back to the iPhone due to Android using too much data on my plan, using way over 500mb a month and the majority is because of stupid apps which when you turn them off they start right back up. Gradually I am actuall;y starting to like Apples's closed platform with all the apps being uniformed


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
If its better than iOS and is Mac Compatible and plugs into my iPod connector on my alpine HU then yes.
If its better than iOS and is Mac Compatible and plugs into my iPod connector on my alpine HU then yes.

I use a USB connector on the lastest Alpine. Android is already better than iOS. Sense UI is actually very good and you can disable it and use vanilla Android if you want.

You could say exactly the same about having to jailbreak Apple devices to unlock certain features.
