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jamie_trials EViL MK2

After years of waiting my insurance has dropped enough for me to get myself a Clio Sport :smile:
I've always been a fan of the Renault Sports since by brother bought his 172 around 3 years ago. 2 years ago I got myself a PH2 1.6 Dynamique which I loved and hated throughout its life. That's since been passed on the the missis as I've got myself a new toy. Here's my old one...

I wasn't sure weather to make a thread but I when I found myself looking for a clio to replace my clio I was always putting the reg into the forum to see if there's any background on it.

So here it is, on the 6th October sat waiting to be pampered...

I don't have much of an insight to the cars past other than being told by the previous owner that the owner before him replaced the engine and heard that it had done 20k since. It does pull and look well. The MPG is on par with my brothers so going off that whenever the engine was done i'm assuming the timing was done correctly? If anyone does have any past information on the car though it'd be appreciated. It does have a CS owners club sticker on the back window.

On it's first day of my ownership I completely forgot about taking pictures of what I'm doing because I was just too exited. I swapped a lot of things over from my old Clio to the new. I changed all of the sticky interior, stereo and bulbs over. Got a few other bits to change over too but its all in due time. I've decided that I'm going to colour the odd parts yellow here and there but still try keep it subtle.

I've spent quite a while on eBay and the forum pricing up other things that I want, then I stopped pricing them up because it started seeming silly so I just bought them and didn't look...:grin:

Wheey new steering wheel. There's a sale on the moment if anyone's after a new wheel. Side note, I was proper on edge after reading about horn wiring on here. So for anyone who's not 100% sure about it. Literally all you need to do is connect both horn wires to both spade connectors and make sure that gold spring is modified so it doesn't touch the metal on the steering wheel.

Wheey new number plates. Bought them from fancyplates, hides the holes on the front cutout nicely.

Wheey new hubcaps

oh. Does anyone know what size hubcaps I need for TD 1.2's? Also what colour are my wheels?

Wheeey weekend fun to the coast, caught a lot of leaves in the grille on the way there, and a pheasant on the way back.

Does anybody know if the left and right mirrors are the same apart from the wide angle?

That's pretty much it so far, I've come home today and got my cruise control bracket/buttons from @iamjoel and it look ace. Will fit it later...


ClioSport Club Member
Looks good bud, nice starting point! Sits well on the 1.2s.
Do you ever come near Derbyshire? Just a coincidence I read this thread, as I've been scratching my head trying to wire my horn up this morning and getting nowhere!
Done a few things over the weekend and a a bit through the week but since getting home every day and it being dark I haven’t been able to take any pics. I’ve missed the touch of your hand too @dann2707

First up, cruise control bracket. Wasn’t sure how this was going to fit with the original allen bolts due to the thickness. I put it on and the length was pretty much perfect. Wired the connections in, fittings are nice and snug. I went out for a drive to test and and it works a treat, the buttons have a nice feel to them and I’d recommend them to anyone. Cheers @iamjoel

I also broke my stalk buttons while taking the lower steering wheel plastic off so I’ve got a new one on. What’s best for stalk controls on a kenwood head unit? Connects2 or autoleads?

Callipers were painted over the weekend too. I used E-tech yellow paint and have only seen them in the dark until today. They’d been painted a few times and had a few layers on so i stripped it back to bare metal to save weight and all [emoji275]
Sooooo, its been a while.

Cars had a fair bit of pampering.
First thing that I wanted to do was sort out the tyres. Idea was that I'd go to a garage and swap my Michelins from my old 1.6 with these ones as I loved them. Me and the girlfriend were on the way there, me driving my new pride and joy and her driving my old pride and joy. She misjudged a corner and panic braked causing the car to over steer. I saw her trying to correct it in my rear view mirror and then my pride and joy was destroyed.


Main thing was that she was alright but I'll never let it drop. Proper turned my stomach that day but you live and you learn, never let your girlfriend drive your car.

Moving on to better things, now my soft spot for my old car had been ripped out I had even more love for my new one.

I stripped my ceiling, pilars, sunvisors, and blanks for the handles out. Decided to give the car a bit of a more modern look inside. I was anxious about how it would turn out but I'm pretty chuffed.


Out with the old...


Wrapped, bought some material off ebay. My main worry was it bubbling/creasing but it turned out to be pretty stretchy. One thing I wish I'd of done is used carpet spray on it once I got it set though. It mentioned that it is adhesive which it is, but I found that one cold morning it had partially sagged. Ended up having to take it off and spray carpet adhesive on to sort it out properly. It's also a guarantee that when somebody gets in your car and sees the material that when they get out there's a dick drawn on your ceiling 😂


In with the new. I disassembled and sprayed my sun-visors with bumper spray. Really happy with how they've turned out, I didn't want to wrap them because it'd annoy me every time I touch them and there'd be finger marks showing. Black seatbelts are also in, I've cleaned seatbelts plenty of times in the past so decided it would be a good idea.


Seatbelts ended up being a right ballache. Most of them were in and out no problem but there was an issue with the bolt that connects the drivers front seatbelt at the bottom. All my torx keys were bending. Managed to get an impact bit in there and tried to get it out with that. Even at the 120nm that impact gun gave it it wouldn't budge. Eventually I started drilling it out but they must make the bolts out of granite. I literally had a go at this every day of the week until i made a quick drive to machinemart and bought an IRWIN bolt remover set. Honestly the best £20 I've ever spent. I turned it onto the round bolt head and it started spinning. I panicked thinking that it was just spinning round but it started coming out. Couldn't believe my luck :smile:


So the interiors done for now. I've put a second boot light in at the other side but haven't taken any pictures of that. Also need to sort out the dodgy glovebox not being aligned properly. I decided to spend a bit on the suspension. I was considering just springs for some time as they'd seen better days but after looking at reviews I ended up going with some BC DR coilovers on 8KG springs all round. Id rather not say much about them yet as I'm still to have the car aligned.

I've also done a stud and nut conversion, bought the studs but they were too long for the nuts that I wanted to use so I had to cut them down a tad.

Me and the GF went on a roadtrip up to Scotland. The first proper amount of miles that I've put in to the car since having it. It kept losing power intermittently and eventually it got to the stage that I had to pull over. Turned it off and on again, all ok. Started driving and it began again. Once out in the wilderness at 11PM it got a lot worse and was now revving on its own, I turned it off and tried to turn it back on but now it didnt want to start. Ended up cleaning a few relays under the fusebox and it started, it's been fine since. The cover on the fusebox isn't 100% so I may have to have a look at modifying it somehow in the future.



After this it all went tits up. Car developed a knocking noise. I was almost convinced that it was something I'd done but after some investigation I found the worst.

Car is currently living off one gearbox mount. I was considering finding a welder to sort it out for me but It'l always be a weak point then I guess. I've bitten the bullet and I've got a reconditioned gearbox waiting to be fit this weekend. Any pointers would help as it's the first time I'll be doing a car gearbox. Done them on the motorbike plenty of times, is it the same but bigger? HELP 😧

Oh, and here are my nuts.


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Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
Nice work matey, glad the missus was okay and walked away from turning your old one upside-down


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
  RB Clio 182
Good work mate! Looking really nice. f**k about your mrs was lucky walking away from that! Bet it was horrible watching it happen.


ClioSport Club Member
  Defender 110
Christ thats some smash, she was very lucky to walk away by the looks of it. Must have been scary for you to see.
Cheers guys!

It was the scariest 20 seconds of my life and the fastest 3 point turn I had done. I wasn’t going slow around the corner and when I saw her coming at the same pace I was cringing. Turns out when I got there she was already climbing out of the sunroof saying shouting she’s sorry. My worry turned into disappointment haha.

Cracked on with the gearbox with my brother this morning. It was out by dinner which I was pretty happy with considering it’s the first car gearbox I’ve done. Literally just sort of packed up for today cause it’s cold and dark.


Track rod ends were in need of replacing so we’ve got some for tomorrow

New box is in, subframe all tight. Just got the driveshafts, coolant, oil and a load of sensors to connect back in really so hopefully I’ll be able to go for a drive tomorrow and fingers crossed everything’s ok[emoji106]


Missus got my an evol gearbox mount too [emoji16]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Ello Ello Jamie! long time ..

Long time no see but long time know you [emoji16]

Rebuilt the rest of the car this morning, re-bled the coolant with type D and put some MTL 75-80 gearbox oil in. Was all done for about 1pm.

Been on a little 100 mile test drive to the coast with the socket sets in and all seems well. No crunches and nothing’s fallen off so that’s all good haha. There’s quite a noticeable drone while driving now which is pretty certain it’s related to the exhaust brackets not having enough play. Will probably have a look tomorrow after work :)

Next week hopefully I’ll fit my PMS brace and give the engine a service seen as I haven’t done it since I bought it.

I’m a happy bunny [emoji195]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Do you still ride Jamie?
Nice work with the box BTW. That's good going getting it out in a day.

Aye trials forum has sort of dispersed haha. I've still got my bike but it's not often I get out on it, maybe once a month if that.

Can cancel that coolant that I put in, just driven home and the temperature dial went up when i was two streets away, pulled up and found a coolant hose has split. Unsure if i'd kinked a hose but it was the one that was coming out of the heater matrix so I can't imagine I'd of touched it. Didn't seem under stress either.

Hey ho, new ones are on the way now so my list of things to do is longer :grin:
  Seat Leon Cupra R
I'm afraid I don't recognise your hands lie Dan but from the context you're a trials rider (or at least were). Funnily enough, I'm just building up a bike again!
Brutal seeing the state of the car after that crash, glad everyone's ok afterwards :yum:
Another update :smile:

So the coolant hoses had burst on my last update. Got the yellow samco ones, turns out they're not a 'proper' yellow. I'm considering getting some braided sleeving to go over the top then its not so in my face but I'll see. Also need to take all the clips off. Might spray them black as I've sanded some before but before you know it they're rusting again.

Went to pick the girlfriend up on Friday and the car turned into a Subaru mid drive. I checked over all the electrics but everything seemed to be working. Cylinder 3 wasn't firing at all. I had some spark plugs from a service kit I got for the car at Christmas so decided it was time for them to go in as it requires less brain power than fault finding.

Shiney! I'm in two minds of what to do with my rocker cover, one option is just to leave it as it is and the other to sand it down to but I cant imagine it being anywhere close to perfect. Is there a way of doing it where I can get around all the corners and dips?


Was kinda gutted when I put it back together and it didn't work but to be honest i didn't expect it to after looking at the condition of the plugs. It had to be done at some point anyway :smile:
Ended up speaking to @dann2707 who pointed me in the direction. Off to euro-parts to fit a new injector, cost me just over £40 when combined with the constant discount codes from them. Put it in, boom, back to a clio.

IMG_0983 - Copy.JPG

Sunday consisted of tinkering. I finally got round to fitting my PMS top mounts and brace. Added a bit of yellow on the windscreen wash hoses, and whilst the scuttle panel was off I replaced the cabin filter. I also cut the aircon pipes down and hopefully the girlfriend will decide to let me have the cover on her clio with no aircon to neaten up but we will see haha. Really need to get the car aligned too now, camber bolts are now on. Recommendations around Leeds/Doncaster would be appreciated!

Please excuse the messy bay, it was cold and rainy. It will get cleaned when its dry!







:beers: Really happy with how the cars coming along now!
