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Jezzybeb's Progress thread :P

  Clio Campus Sport
Hello im new to the forum so thought i would post some info about my car history and my new car not sure if your interested but here it is......

1998 1.2 Clio (first car after learning to drive in 2 different Clio's lol)
2003 (53) 1.2 Corsa (now my sisters car)
1996 1.1 saxo (my sisters old car, only ran this for a few months)
2003 (53) 1.2 Clio Dynamique (My pride and joy, sold to my friends younger brother)
2004 (53) 1.6 Astra Sxi (a power upgrade lol)
2004 (04) 1.8 Mondeo Ghia Sci (Bigger car needed for long commute to work, currently my dad's car)
2000 1.2 Clio (little run around inherited from my gran only done 18k :O lol)
2004 (04) 1.6 Astra Sxi Twinport (the car i had always wanted owned a whole year before needing cheaper fuel bills)
2006 (06) 1.2 Clio Campus Sport a/c (my new pride and joy to save money on fuel and insurance)

so there you go as you can see i like my Clio's always have and always will do :)

Piccy's of car as soon as im aloud to copy and paste links :)
