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Just a few in the sun

  Evo 8 MR
Went up to my favourite photo location for a few pics in the sun whilst it's here.

Since FCS I've removed both of the rear window stickers and fitted powerflex bushes to the dogbone mount.

I've ordered some K-tec fixed top mounts just this afternoon as the offside mount is knocking so much it's boiling my piss. Hope to have them on before Cadwell on the 7th. :D

On a side note I think my picture taking skills are improving, I'm having to do a lot less editing now to get them looking respectable.








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ClioSport Club Member
Very nice mate, wish I could get shots like this in the sun my flamer looks like fcuk all in direct sun pics :(


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Looks great, fyi have a search on here as there are a few people having issues with the ktec top mounts, AST all the way imo.
  Evo 8 MR
Very nice mate, wish I could get shots like this in the sun my flamer looks like fcuk all in direct sun pics :(

Bonuses of owning a DSLR. ;)

Looks great, fyi have a search on here as there are a few people having issues with the ktec top mounts, AST all the way imo.

Seen that thread greeny, I trust they will be fine as it states they've solved the issue, I don't need the adjustments the AST's provide so I've decided for once to save a few pennies and get the lower priced option.

Thanks for all the comments. :D
