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Just purchased a Clio 182

  Clio 182
Hi everyone!

Well I pick up my 182 later on today so thought I'd best get re-enroleld for the forum! I used to be a member here many years ago when I had my first 182 but that was a good 4/5 years ago. I have since owned a couple of other cars to just get me around including most recently a little Fabia VRS which was such a great car in general. I then moved up to Manchester for a few months so sold the car but as I am moving back down to Somerset I saw it as a great time to buy another 182. I don't know what it is about them but I am still completely in love with them!



The car it self is in pretty good nick, there are a few minor marks as you would expect from a 7 year old car however I am confident I shall be able to polish most of them out!

I look forward to getting to know you all and I will start a Project Log once I have the car in my possession and cleaned up to my standards!

