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karcher foam lance

well it seems that (to my amazement i might add as have always had great service) the group buy on these in the FS section has gone tits up.

where is the best and cheapest place that people would advise to buy from? i believe i4detailing might be a good shout, and if so can someone let me know the CS discount codes?

many thanks

  200 Gordini
no, i didnt pay though.

I was asking for 2 weeks if he had one for me but just ignored my posts and PMs.

Matt from i4detailing is doing a discount on the snowfoam i believe, maybe if a few of us wanted the lance he could do a discount??

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
He did the same with me. i sent about 2 PMS and posted in a thread he put up and never heard anythin. Tut.


  RS2'ed 172 Cup
Stop being So Tight ;)

you wont get better unless you can sort out the group buy situation or a 2nd hand one comes up.

TBH they are worth the price.
my "general use" karcher is kaput so dad and i are looking into a new one, i piped up that the r8 and my car "neeeeed" the foam lance and that there was a deal on CS for them.

guess we'll just have to have a more expensive xmas pressie!

maybe fleabay??

