Quote: Originally posted by Hotshot on 12 September 2005
he was asked for his opinion and while i dont know much about the ktec kit im sure hes entitled to his opinion.
ive heard nothing but awesome things about prospeed down in cardiff off here, and as much as i agree with questioning peoples livelihood hes more than allowed to share his opinions
There are civil ways to answer questions without ruining a companies image - would you have the same attitude if his reply was to do with a product your company was marketing ??
No is the answer to that - now lets not get into an argument eh ?
Quote: Originally posted by K-Tec Racing on 12 September 2005
leeds_182 please tell me how you came to this conclusion.
We would not have sold as many as we have it was "sh*t". The systems are very well made, fit very well, sound good, are very well priced and have a lifetime warranty.
Have I missed something? look in the sales section he is still trying to sell his exhaust
Quote: Originally posted by 16v_jon on 12 September 2005
*Ive got one and most people moan about them cos either them or some numpty has fitted it.
This one was fitted by k-tec but numerous people have had issues with the way they hang or them moving over time due to the weight of the silencer and the mounts not being able to support it properly.
*the welds on mine are good not great but as long as ther are no holes who cares.
You might not care what they look like and as long as they arent holed as you say it doesnt matter. However if other companies systems at the same price point can manage tidy welds then you should expect the same of k-tecs.
*they are made by tiger exhausts for ktec
I was under the impression some were made by tiger and some made by janspeed, either way i dont rate either of these companies.
*mine is brilliant quiet when im granny driving and cruising on the motorway then when i give it some the noise is incredible - i had a remus before that and it was all drone
Ive never driven a car fitted with a remus so cant really comment, noise level seemed fine and exhaust note was ok IMO but nothing special.
* The mounts are fine and good quality, if you think it needs another one then get some one who CAN fit exhausts
The system i removed from a 172 looked like it had been bodged on using whatever small nuts and bolts the tech had knocking around in his toolbox. They didnt appear well thought out made or fitted and as i say it was fitted by k-tec and as far as im aware i was the next person to touch it when removing it. Im not questioning k-tecs ability to fit them but if this is what is supplied in the kit i wasnt impressed.
*it needs assembling with a silicone exhaust paste to work properly
Exhaust paste should be required to fit an exhaust if its designed properly, aligned correctly and new gaskets are used.
Look under a brand new car and you wont see exhaust paste smeared all over the place. Its a bodgers tool to cover the fact they are incapable of aligning an exhaust or havnt renewed the gaskets and subsequestly its blowing on the joints.
I work in the motor trade and have done for about 7 years now ive seen plenty of exhausts and shambolic attempts to fit them over the years so id say i was in a fairly good position to judge.