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Laptop Power Socket Issues (HP)

  MX-5 Sport
Hi all,

I am currently in possession of an HP G7000 series laptop, approx 2 years old. The mains cable won't charge the laptop - have tried a spare cable and that doesn't work either. The battery happily charged in another unit, so have ruled that out.

As such I have dismantled the laptop following HPs informative instructions and I have found the power connector cable. It is not quite what I expected having taken apart a similar laptop in the past.

Can the power connector cable (part no 454945-001) be easily repaired orreplaced - as I assume that is what is causing the issues experienced.

Any replies would be great :)
Power adaptors failing are quite common in HP laptops. Should be able to pick one up from various suppliers, ebay, or HP themselves.
