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light steering

When you put the hammer down in the cup the steering goes real light and it feels like its wandering a little. has this got a name, im no brilliant drive lol

Basically when you put the hammer down all the weight is lifted of the front to the rear. Your front wheels therefore have less weight and therefore less friction so your wheel goes lighter. You can get anti lift kits for some cars which aids the 0-60 a few tenths.

Quote: Originally posted by Cup172 on 23 May 2003

Basically when you put the hammer down all the weight is lifted of the front to the rear. Your front wheels therefore have less weight and therefore less friction so your wheel goes lighter. You can get anti lift kits for some cars which aids the 0-60 a few tenths.

Sorry too much science!!

Put foot down, all the weight goes to the back wheels, so the fronts go lite, get less grip hence leading to lack of feeling and a lite steering wheel. Thought it was simple, going back to the bottle now.

cups are quite softly sprung on the rear & tend to sqat down on the rear under hard exceleration!!
