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little scum

  Mondeo STTDCI

Keep copies of the pics and take them to the police station/transport police. Chances are they are well-known tags and if theyve caught the offenders previously they will know who it is.

Also keep an eye out for the tags at bus stops and the like. Heck on a day off have a scout round the area. Within a time you will find out roughly who they are.

Sorry to hear that mate and Im sure they will come out with a bit of work.
  Revels Mum & Sister

Little w**kers

What is there problem! Jealousy! Most liekly a randomn act

Like he said before hopefully Tcut or Buff out. If not take to a bodyshop. They will probs be able to help fella!

yeah, im gonna attack it with some t-cut later, just gotta go out and buy some polish to cover it up after.

i respect other peoples property, is it to much to ask for a little bit of respect back? im having no luck lately!!
  190 BHP Willy 2

Just spoke to a mate at a bodyshop and he said if you cant polish/t-cut it off, take it to a bodyshop and get them to mop it. (industrial polishing) and thatll sort it.

what a nightmare!! feel really sorry for you mate.

id try using meths or something like that first, then if that doesnt work then tcut. make sure you give it a good polish afterwards
  Mr2 Roadster

It wasnt me...

Sorry to see that fella, not nice at all. I bet you were spitting flames!

Quote: Originally posted by NickyB on 28 February 2004

Sorry to see that fella, not nice at all. I bet you were spitting flames!

Had a beating from the hangover bear this morning as well so yes, the air turned blue,lol

Deano, sorry to here that fella!:(

Have you upset the Addiscombe Massive??:oops:

Bet my mates got something to shift it if you come a cropper, just let me know, He works in Wickham, so not too far for ya!

im sure itll come off no problems, its just the principle of it. there are some really sad pathetic people out there!

and steve, i must have upset the band of rude-boys that congregate outside Alldays,lol.
  BMW 328 Ci

What are people like? I live in a low risk area and yet still sum scumbag stuck a screwdriver in the lock and dented the door too.

i know this might sound stupid by try spraying deaodrant on it, that always go permenant marker off for me.... lynx or something simular

Mate, what f**king little pikey to55ers!! Id ram a f**king screwdriver in there eyes if i caught them! Shame you didnt walk out the front door while they were doing it!!

As hip_spasm said there tags and look like there names, you got a younger bro or someone that mite know whos tags they are! I have mates who do what i call Professional graffitti in subways and stuff n its a art if done by pros, but not by spotty f**k who thinks hes cool by writing his name in pointy writing.

Some people make me mad and itsnot even my car!! Have some f**king R.E.S.P.E.C.T:mad:

Rant over

im sorry, we need to employ the arabic laws here, cut the tops of their fingers off, that will stop them, but seriously what a bunch of wimps, they havent got the courage to face you, they just desecrate your property.

Mind you i would mess about with dean, he is not the wimpy type, someone you would love to have behind you in a nightclub fight!

seriously hope you get it out and i hope to see you at the meet later!

Yeah we need to have arabic laws. Over their you can leave your car unlocked for 2weeks and still not a soul would dare even think to nick something because thier hands will be chopped off. My old mans moving out to Dubai because its great.
  Alfa Mito 155TB

At work if someone writes on a white board with a permanent marker pen instead of the dryboard marker which rubs off...we go over the permanent pent with a dry wall board pen and it then rubs off.

I think the same theory would apply to marker pen on car paint.
  Remapped derv Golf


This is Croydon mate! Looks like the same stuff that all over East Croydon! Hope a train runs over the rude boys!

  2012 WRX Waggon

when we use perm marker on our nobo boards at work, we go over the perm with a dry wipe marker - seems to shift it!

Quote: Originally posted by James on 28 February 2004

A little celulose thinners on a damp cloth. Sorted in a jiffy.
this may also take the laqour off the car aswell

try a none acitone nailvarnish remover (SP)
