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LLU Broadband...Worth the extra ££'s


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182
Im currently using zen internet £25 a month with 25gb cap which im always going over so its costing me pretty much £35 month.

Never had any problems with zen at all but thinking of switching for a uncapped service.

Ive read good reviews on ADSL24 and their new LLU broadband.

Whats better about LLU and is it worth the few quid extra from the standard service they offer?

i can only get 4mb at present with zen would the LLU make a difference?

  Clio200 EDC Lux
LLU broadband basically means that the ISP has there own gear fitted in the phone exchange (rather than running through BT's) Where I live the exchange probably servres around 2'000 people so will probably never be LLU by other ISP as it woudln't be viable ££ for them to do so.

You are unlikely to get a faster speed as this is down to the length of your phone line etc, however if you are on "up to 8mb service" and choose LLU that is probably ADSL2 than you should be able to get a faster speed.
  Audi S3 225
Ive just signed up to sky unlimited and my exchange is LLU enabled. From what i read it means that you wont be throttled or slowed down, which was happening to me constantly on their connect package. No complaints so far, nice fast speeds and very stable connection! :)
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
Were on o2 (powered by be broadband). Costs less than £10 a month as im an o2 customer and is consitantly fast with no emails moaning about my usage or capping me.
  Tesla MP3 2021
Be or O2. I have been with Be for several years now and I get 23.5Mbps and there service is next to none.

You probably wont see a massive increase in speed or anything as the connection speed is subject to line length amongst other things but if you go with someone like Be and their unlimited package then you can download to your hearts content and wont have to worry about it, trust me I download enough lol.

This is a good comparison site..
  Clio 182
I can recommend ADSL24 very highly, ive been with them for about 3 yrs and about 3 months ago took there LLU service, speed never drops what ever time and you have the advantage of changing the SNR on your line via your account login. Also there support is excellent you dont ring a 0870 or 0845 and you get either Moshin or Jo who will get any problems sorted asap and if they say they are going to ring you back they do. Price is a little more that other ISP but i think its well worth it for the stable connection and the ease of getting issues resolved in the unlikely event you should have one.

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Ive just signed up to sky unlimited and my exchange is LLU enabled. From what i read it means that you wont be throttled or slowed down, which was happening to me constantly on their connect package. No complaints so far, nice fast speeds and very stable connection! :)

Exactly the same. AOL on the BT exchange was hammering me at times. Sky having their own LLU in the local exchange has bypasses that problem. Constant speeds at all times.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Ive just signed up to sky unlimited and my exchange is LLU enabled. From what i read it means that you wont be throttled or slowed down, which was happening to me constantly on their connect package. No complaints so far, nice fast speeds and very stable connection! :)

Thats b****cks, they will still oversubscribe there pipes/lines. Its how they make monies.
I rate Be Broadband, i think. Fast up and down

Be are and have been one of the best providers but very hard to get unless in a city/urban area.

Sky have always been good for me. I get 19meg on my 18meg connection, the exchange is 200m as the crow flys so it's great. And it's unlimited/unthrottled. I proberly dl 50-100 Gig a month.
  Clio 172
I rate Be Broadband, i think. Fast up and down

I also have to agree with this, I am on the unlimited package and I paid a little extra to have a static ip address (£1 a month I think?)

I got the 24MB line which connects around 18, but it is lightening fast and I downloaded iTunes off the apple website at over 1mb a second :D

I have to admit for £17.50 a month, its a billy bargain. Although the router they supply isn't great which I swapped for a netgear jobby that seems to be raved about on THEIR support forum :)
