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Loud knocking/banging noise on braking?

  1997 Renault Clio
Hi all, apologies firstly if this post is in the wrong place or sounds long winded. Ill try & describe it as best I can.

I have a 1997 Clio Biarritz & took it out for the first time Wednesday. It was sat on a driveway for 2 weeks whilst I got insurance sorted.
Anyway, it was driving fine untill I came out of the carwash, pressed the brakes & there was a really loud knocking/banging noise that sounded like it was coming from the rear of the car. I got it back home without using the brakes too much & left it a few days untill a friend could have a drive/listen to it. On pressing the brakes again it got alot worse, knocking/banging again & almost "stuttering". We could feel it through the whole car & it was almost shaking. He said the brakes seemed to feel really tight at first & then loosen up (whilst the noise was going on.)
It didnt really stop untill we parked up again. I dont know alot about the mechanics of cars & have no idea what this could be,but it sounded really nasty like something was going to snap/fall off.
It was as if something was stuck under the car, or the wheels were caught on something? Stupid I know, but thats the only way I can sort of describe it.

Any help or suggestions would be great.

Thanks in advance, Cris


ClioSport Moderator
It's a shame you're nowhere near me, or I'd happily take a look for you. Is it definitely coming from the back of the car? Could be the brake drums binding?
  1997 Renault Clio
Yeah it is, Im quite out of the way really. Yeah it was definitely the back, but almost radiating through the whole thing. Started with just pressing on the brakes but after that, it was whilst driving aswell. Someone else mentioned the drums but to be honest I wouldnt know. Sounds stupid but Its something you have to hear/feel to make sense of, thats why I got a friend to drive it. Just thought maybe someone had any ideas.
sounds a bit like one or maybe of your calipers is sticking, when you but you're foot on the break can you feel juddering through the steering wheel? it will eventually stick solid open on one side you'll have no breaks and the other will lock up.

Hard to tell by just reading and not seeing but the way you describe it. sounds like its that
  work for BMW
i had a simular problem and it was my rear discs, they had deformed so i changed discs and paps and boom was fixed
  1997 Renault Clio
Rob, I do appreciate it but I wouldn't want to take it anywhere incase it gets worse. Yeah it is juddery & I could feel it through the wheel & most of the car. I'll see what I can find out about the discs/drums. I dont know if it's linked in any way but the handbrake cable is quite loose & needs to be tightened. Thanks though guys, Im a bit of a noob with this stuff!
