Should be quicker when nearly empty (weight) - running below empty on fumes will pick up sh*t in the tank and could make it a run bit worse.
WEIGHT - 1 Litre approx 1 kilo, so 50kg is about 5% of kerb weight on a new one, about 7% on a 950cc Reno 5!!
usually pessimisitic guages - if I fill up on first flash of Orange Light I only get 42 litres in - it will hold 50 but have only ran to 48 ish (750 miles on dCi)
if you fill it to the brim, it will read overful to guage (full approx 2 litres less than capacity) so will read full for prolly 50 miles hence appears to go down quicker when half or quarter full.
also fuel sloshing around near empty makes guages less accurate