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low Idle, lumpy Revs? 600

  172 Cup
basically my 172 was missfiring popping while driving at mainly in higher revs, and idling low/lumpy. i changed the Saprk plugs to Bosch Super 4s and the popping / miss firing has stopped however its idling at about 600revs after a good 5mins is this normal?

also could the injectors possibly being clogged causing this? as when i got the Car it was left standing for 5 days with the petrol gauge in the Red (stupid Dealer pr!ck) lol im going to add injector cleaner to a full tank (is this worth a try?)

thanks peeps


ClioSport Club Member
  172 FF and Fabia VRS
both are good try

but the NKG are the recommended for the 172

k-tec sell them cheaper than the dealer
  172 Cup
both are good try

but the NKG are the recommended for the 172

k-tec sell them cheaper than the dealer

Thanks for the response, i will put some NGK plugs in soon, doin gthe Injector cleaner tonight, im more interested to know where other peoples 172s Idle, i always thought cars should idle at 800rpm
  CLIO Iceberg 172
mine idels about 650- 700 but its really lumpy even when its warmed up, thats on the bosh plugs, wish it was smoother, mabey etter when i sort out a remap


ClioSport Club Member
  172 FF and Fabia VRS
a fastchip remap changes the idle to 900rmp and does help loads
